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@MJDinVegas wrote:

Hi, @Kachina624 !  I have to agree!  We're actually in Henderson outside Vegas and it is STUPID HOT.  Supposed to be 119 on Sunday.  Fortunately our solar installation was approved to go live today and we'll be flipping the switch tomorrow.  Cost should go down to 1/3 of what we'd pay the utility for power through the grid at current rates, which seem to increase quarterly.  Really so dumb to rely on power from Hoover Dam with Lake Mead low on water when we have endless sunshine.

@MJDinVegas    I hope your solar works out and you get your expected savings. I have an evaporative cooler which costs less than $50. a month to operate. I had a guy out today to check it as I've never been uncomfortable before.  He discovered that a water filter was clogged and he replaced it.  It's much better now but that doesn't help when I have to go out.

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@dancingwoman wrote: here too.  We need the monsoons.  At least it gets into the 50s at night so it cools off some..DW

@dancingwoman    I heard you were about 90°, very unusual for the mountains.  Do you have any AC?

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@chrystaltree wrote:

Stay hydrated, take cool showers.  Keep the dogs off your bed.  Use a fan along with the ac at night.  We had two 90ish days and it looks like today will be 90.  It was strange, it hovered around 80 last night.  I put the ac on 77 and we all had fans in our bedrooms.  Sleep is important for a healthy mind and body so tossing and turning all night from the heat is just not an option.  I don't know what I would do if I lived in a part of the country that baked for weeks or months at a time.  It must be exhausting.


@chrystaltree   I assure you, my Dyson fan is humming away all night.

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@granddi wrote:

In Texas our electric utility prices have sky rocketed. Since the failure of the grid, consumers are paying for the needed repairs and updates. Our state has a surplus of $32.7Billion. And is getting $60.6 Million for Fed Govt for elect grid. 




@granddi    If Texas has all that surplus money, I sure wish they'd give their retired employees a raise.  I've been living on the same fixed income since 1998.

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@Kachina624 wrote:


@Desertdi wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:


@Desertdi wrote:



Overnight low in PHX was 93° this a.m.   di

@Desertdi   I don't know how you stand living there.

@Kachina624 the LOW was 96°!    And for Saturday, they are predicting 118° or higher.  This is the 14th day of 110+ in a row.   All I can say is, "IT'S TOO LATE NOW"...di

@Desertdi    They constantly report your weather in our local TV in@ sympathy, I guess.  I personally think Phoenix, like Houston, is unKfit for human habitation.

@Kachina624     I'd add FLORIDA to the list!    I can't handle "tropical" (among "other" things)...   

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Kachina624  We have an evaporated cooler.  We have insulated shades and shade screens along the whole side of the porch.  And ceiling fans in all the night the bedroom window is open.


 It's been in the 50's at night so the house cools off.  It would be nice if we'd get some's very dry.  We do fortunately have a pond and irrigation water so our yard isn't brown and dry.  We try to keep the fruit trees watered. Because we had such great snowfall this past winter we have plenty of irrigation water...DW


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@dancingwoman   I'm glad to hear you're surviving without great duress.

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@Desertdi    Actually Houston is like Florida without pythons and alligators.  Yes, I agree its the pits.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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It's been hot here in Southern California, but so far at least to me not as hot as last summer.


I keep the window blinds closed to keep out the heat  set my AC between 75-80, and run fans throughout the home to help.


I feel fine, starting tomorrow we start to tip into the 100+ territory for the next week, so I will definitely have the thermostat set at 75.

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@goldensrbest wrote:

@Kachina624 ,Get a air conditioner for you ,and the dogs.

@goldensrbest @Kachina624    Kachina DOES have air conditioning.   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥