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Everyday in the foreseeable future it's to be 100° or more.  Other places are even worse.  AC will only cool so much. No rain from the annual monsoon in sight.


Nights are the wirst.  It's been so strangely warm at night, my dogs especially are hot in the 80° bedroom.  They lie on the bed and pant so hard, I feel as though I'm in a cheap.motel and just put 25¢ in the bed vibrator.Thankfully after a while they retire to the bathroom and hall.  None of us gets much sleep.  We're not used to such heat for so long.


What a .miserable summer!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624  Now that's funny. Forgot about those cheap motel beds from ages ago 😂

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Please stay safe and cool!  I feel bad for the many people suffering under triple digit heat.  Mid 90's here, and that feels unbearable.  

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Peoria, Arizona here and it's supposed to be 117 on Saturday and no rain in site. My a/c is at 79 and my kitties are comfortable and so are we. I've been doing errands early in the morning and stay inside from about 9 am onwards. It's summer, happens every year but for some reason they are really hyping it this year. Come winter and some snowstorm will freak out the media about how cold it is in the east. 

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Re: It's Too Darn Hot!

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 I feel you pain. So sorry. I'm afraid we're only going to have more and more of this oppressive heat each summer.


It's awful in DC too. Summers here are always awful. It's not 100 degrees (that can happen here but it's not common) but we have heat typically into the 90s with high humidity. Today it got to the low 90s and the humidity is creeping up. Humidity will be worse tomorrow and the temp will be higher, upwards of 95. The A/C in my apartment doesn't work very well. I'm ok, a little bit miserable but the windows are open and I have a fan.


We also had a Code Orange air quality today and the same is expected tomorrow. Maybe if we get thunderstorms this weekend the air will improve and we can get a bit of a cooldown...until the next heat wave.


I'm drinking lots of water and hope you are too!



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Re: It's Too Darn Hot!

[ Edited ]

@Thats Me 


I feel your pain.  Not to far from DC, here in Philadelphia about the same weather.  In a few days after thunderstorms, we will cool down for one "refreshing" 88 degrees.  Then back in the soup again.



Edited to add:  oh yeah, the code Orange air quality, too.  Uugghhh!

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I've been staying inside, away from the heat. All my windows shades are drawn and it's dark in here. Feels like a cave but it helps keep it cool inside with the AC running. Fixing food that doesn't require a lot of cooking. Gonna be another hot one tomorrow.

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Today has been unbelievably hot here in West Texas.  110, and now at 8:30 it is 105. 


Our AC is set at 76, and runs continuously.  Our humidity is higher here than usual, because we have had a little rain lately. 


Everyone, take care. 

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

That's very hard to have such heat for so long. I definitely understand it's hard to sleep in the heat, and it used to break my heart watching my dog pant. She slept on the tile floor where it was cooler. I hope it gets better soon for you and that the heat breaks. It sure is hot and humid here in CT as well. 

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In Texas our electric utility prices have sky rocketed. Since the failure of the grid, consumers are paying for the needed repairs and updates. Our state has a surplus of $32.7Billion. And is getting $60.6 Million for Fed Govt for elect grid.