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@Junebug54 wrote:

What prompted  this thread was the many posts that John McCain died.   I'm pretty sure this would have (and did )  make major headlines.. but yet there were many posts reporting this news on  the QVC message boards.    Maybe some of you don't watch the news.. who knows... If that's the case I apologize.    

@Junebug54  There are only TWO threads about his death in Community Chat.  Mine and a poster named Patbz (something like that).


I posted mine and a minute later she posted hers, so probably she was typing before I hit "Post".


I really don't care, either.  I'm not the poster who always admonishes others because MY thread was first or because *I* posted the same thing in another forum.  Or just generally lets everyone know about multiple threads. 


So what is your issue?  Two threads hardly compares to the flooding of threads about Meghan Markle and other threads about important gossip issues from People magazine.


So to ease your mind I will certainly never post an important topic again-that should seriously cut down on multiple threads about the same topic.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Is there a prize...

[ Edited ]

It has always been this way.  I don't think it is that a poster wants to be the first to inform - I think they just want to share and discuss the event.  Most know that if it is of major import, we have already become aware as we are obviously on a computer and probably have a televison and/or radio.


ETA,  Doesn't bother me a bit although sometimes I am not sure which thread to reply to or forget which one I am posting on. 




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Re: Is there a prize...

[ Edited ]

@Junebug54 wrote:

What prompted  this thread was the many posts that John McCain died.   I'm pretty sure this would have (and did )  make major headlines.. but yet there were many posts reporting this news on  the QVC message boards.    Maybe some of you don't watch the news.. who knows... If that's the case I apologize.    


Since I only read the posts that interest me, it's irrelevant to me how many posts there are about a given topic. Can't imagine why anyone would care, unless they fancy themselves the forum police. 

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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I usually find out about breaking news here. That's how I found out about John McCain. We don't have the news on in our home until we watch the local news at five, if we are around.

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Re: Is there a prize...

[ Edited ]

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Junebug54  There are only TWO threads about his death in Community Chat.  Mine and a poster named Patbz (something like that).


I posted mine and a minute later she posted hers, so probably she was typing before I hit "Post".


I really don't care, either.  I'm not the poster who always admonishes others because MY thread was first or because *I* posted the same thing in another forum.  Or just generally lets everyone know about multiple threads. 


So what is your issue?  Two threads hardly compares to the flooding of threads about Meghan Markle and other threads about important gossip issues from People magazine.


So to ease your mind I will certainly never post an important topic again-that should seriously cut down on multiple threads about the same topic.




            Hi, @Cakers3.   I do so hope you'll reconsider and that you'll continue posting new threads when the spirit moves you.    I admire and respect you and your decisions, choices, and opinions and I've found that when you decide to start a thread it's for a worthwhile reason -- whether something lighthearted and fun, or serious and thought-provoking, or a fine and exquisite tug at the heart and soul.    I know you'll do what's best for you, yet I wanted to add my 2 cents and my support.❤️    

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@Cakers3- Post what you want, when you want.  We are all adults here (I think) and we can decide what to read and what not to read.


Don't let someone else's issue stop you from participating, as you want.  I'm even happy to read duplicated posts on subjects that interest me; every person has a different take.


"A little learning is a dangerous thing." Alexander Pope