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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

You mean I have to pick just one?  Ha!  I don't like doing any of them.....

YES! I'm with @Annabellethecat66. I hate them all.


If I had to pick one - going to the post office.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

I hate most house cleaning, but the ones I loathe most are cleaning the toilet and the shower. We get lots of mildew in Seattle.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

Deep cleaning the oven/stovetop.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

gardening. For instance weeding , trimming and deadheading flowers. We live in a plan that is pretty much yard care free - but they only spray the weeds so we are required to pull out the dead body after the spray does it's thing.They only put a very small amount of mulch so we have to buy more and put it out ourself as well. Then any flowers we plant we have to care for.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

@Alison Wonderland Reminded me of how much I hate going to the bank.  I have to do it maybe once or twice a week to get cash.  Then when I send my daughter money (different banks) I have to go there.


The problem?  Well, that means I'm taking it out....and that's not a good thing...


Plus the lines are way, way too long and .......never mind......

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?



I’m SO with you on the dusting!

I Love my babies so much too, but boy can they make dust bunnies 🐰


"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

After doing the same old same old chores for over 42 yrs I can say I LOATHE them all. I'm so sick of doing any of it.

I'm a clean freak so not like I'm going to stop cleaning. LOL!!!

I do hate grocery shopping. Probably because I go every couple of months & spend $400-$500 just so I don't have to go back for a while. Takes forever ringing it all up, sacking it up, loading to cart & loading to trunk & in the house where I have to put it all up.

DH picks up fresh fruit, veggies, milk almost weekly.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

Once a year. Going to get our taxes done.  There's never a problem, but I just hate it.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?

For the past couple of years it's been vacuuming.  Mostly because we now live in a home with all hardwood or tile floors and I've yet to find a good vacuum for those surfaces.  Suggestions are welcome!  I have two very hairy cats girls that contribute to our mess Smiley Happy


As for grocery shopping @Its Me LuLuBelle2, well, I've been using Walmart grocery pickup for almost 9 months now and it's revolutionized my life!!!  Seriously!  I add things to my online cart throughout the week and when I'm ready, I check out and choose a time to pick it up.  Once I'm there it takes 10 minutes to get my order loaded and get back on the road.  I always thought grocery shopping was the most redundant task.  Too much handling the same items over and over for my taste.  Our other local grocery stores are beginning to offer this service now too, but I haven't tried them yet.

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Re: Is there a chore you LOATHE doing?


@Allegheny wrote:

I hate to dust cause it just keeps coming back.  I've always wished someone would invent something where you could press a button and the dust would be sucked out of and off every surface in the house.


This made me chuckle out loud. Thx!

