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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

@Jordan2 I know you wrote that the rep resubmitted the claim after you challenged them.  On the EOB, there should be information about how to submit a written dispute.  You might want to consider doing that.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

My insurance company records all calls so it's possible there is a way for them to review the conversation. However, if someone says "Covid testing in free", that does give them some wiggle room. Ideally, they should have added "any co-pay is not waived".

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

I weny a few weeks ago, I wasn't charged, but I won't be surprised if I get a bill. 

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

A copay for going to the clinic and cost of test are two different things. You are not being billed for the test but visit to the clinic.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

I've had 2 tests so far, both free.  They are paid for by the CARES money.  No one I know here has been charged for a test.


I also make an appointment online.  I go early in the morning (7:30), the earliest spot I can get and I've been in and out in less than 30 minutes from check in to test (all done from my car).



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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

Sorry you were misled.  I'd still fight it and maybe you could use the following literature to argue that's exactly what you did. That you checked with the testing site and insurer.  By referring to this article it shows that you did in fact research in advance. Worth a try IMO.


"If you go to a test site run by New York State, there is never any charge for your test. If you go to a test site operated by local governments, private companies including pharmacies and medical practices or not-for-profit organizations, you are advised to check with the testing site and your insurer in advance of being tested to confirm you will not be responsible for any fees associated with your test."

Wear a mask. Social distance. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem.
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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

I'm in a Medicare HMO, I received a notice there is no charge to me for testing or hospitalization.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

I agree with others that being charged for the test itself is different than an Urgent Care co-pay.  However, I also think the rep should have been more clear.  


For instance, with some insurances, there is no charge at all for a yearly wellness exam. That also means all co-pays are waived.