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So I live in NYC and I was under the impression testing statewide was free to anyone. I needed to get a Covid-19 nasal swab test so I could have cataract surgery. I have insurance and went to an urgent care facility in my network. I was told by my insurance company there was no charge to me for the test and the urgent care facility said there would be no charge to me. So today I get an EOB (explanation of benefits) saying I owe $70. I called my insurance company and was told I owe a copay. Now I was assured there was no charge to me, if I had gone to a statewide site I wouldn't have paid anything. I tell the CS rep that's a sneaky way to try to get payment from me (again I was told it wouldn't cost me anything by the insurance company). She knew I was angry, she put in some kind of claim for it to be looked at again, but let's face it I will not win and have to pay the $70. I have had problems with this insurance company, I'm done with them (I buy from the marketplace).

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

where i live, it runs up to $250 when you go to those 24 hour ER clinics. there's a long line too. 

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

I think they're free here at the state-sponsored test sites.  Of course you have to sit in your car in 100° heat and wait forever.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

it is free at some of the maryland state run sites.

no appointments at some locations, no doctors script necessary.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

In NJ it's free.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

I wouldn't expect any private medical location to offer free testing unless it is advertised.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

A co-pay is a little different from the cost of the test. I wouldn't dispute their explanation. $70 is the cost of a top or pair of shoes on QVC. Not a huge amount by any means.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

@AuntG wrote:

A co-pay is a little different from the cost of the test. I wouldn't dispute their explanation. $70 is the cost of a top or pair of shoes on QVC. Not a huge amount by any means.

It isn't the amount, it's that I was told over the phone by a customer rep of the insurance company there would be no charge to me, and the urgent care facility told me that too. I know I will end up paying the $70, little people like me never fare well going up against any company.

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

[ Edited ]



I'm also in NYC - went to a state hosptial since it was close to me to get tested

it is supposed to be free but then I didn't receive the bill yet - they took my insurance info


My brother went to CityMD for a tetanus shot and they offered to give him the test and told him it was free


both happened last week

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Re: Is Covid-19 Testing Free

Are you sure that amount is just only the office visit copay?   With my insurance any visit to an Urgent clinic is a 75 dollar copay.  Then the test for covid is 100 percent covered by insurance.