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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

In this day of PC, it is expected to say 'I won't let fear dictate' however,  I am with you....I'm not in any hurry to go to a movie theatre.  How is it a fun and entertaining excursion if you have to watch the people around they come and go..look for and be aware of an exit strategy and constantly be on the alert for a sound that doesn't belong in the movie.....and you get to pay for this uncomfortable experience.  The times...they are achangin'. some point you have to accept that things are not the same as it used to be and look for a 'different' way to do things.  

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

@Englishrose wrote:

In this day of PC, it is expected to say 'I won't let fear dictate' however,  I am with you....I'm not in any hurry to go to a movie theatre.  How is it a fun and entertaining excursion if you have to watch the people around they come and go..look for and be aware of an exit strategy and constantly be on the alert for a sound that doesn't belong in the movie.....and you get to pay for this uncomfortable experience.  The times...they are achangin'. some point you have to accept that things are not the same as it used to be and look for a 'different' way to do th ings.  



i feel the same way. No fun to go to the movies and think well maybe. I just bought a big screen TV that's good for me. 

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

Of course I'll continue going to the movies.  So, what if we had a few incidents in movie theatres?  Thousands of people get hit by cars every week in this country, I still cross streets.  Thousands upon thousands of people have car accidents every year, I still drive my car.  Thousands of people fall down stairs and die every year, I still walk down stairs.  I even walk up   My point is, we have to keep things in perspective and avoid becoming a "the sky is falling" type of person.   

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

There's a greater chance I'll get T-Boned in an intersection while driving.  Much, much, much greater chance.  


Movie theater?  Won't give it a second thought, 

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

@esmeraldagooch wrote:

There are two theaters in our town, gun free and gun OK.  We bought tickets to the gun free once and did not feel safe.  We only go to the gun OK theatre.

@esmeraldagooch wrote:

There are two theaters in our town, gun free and gun OK.  We bought tickets to the gun free once and did not feel safe.  We only go to the gun OK theatre.

Really?  Gun-ok theatres?

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

I will never stop doing anything that I love and look forward too. Of course we are a bit more cautious these days, and I feel that's only normal. But to stop doing something I enjoy - no way! Life is too short to begin with, I live mine to the fullest every day.

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

We have not gone to the movies in a long time. I have to admit that safety enters my mind. But also, not really liking that there seem to be so many distractions.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

I'm going tonight. Hopefully I won't die watching Beach Blanket Bingo, but I guess that's a good reason to order a cocktail during the movie.

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

As I've gotten older, I don't enjoy going to movies anymore.   I don't like it when people talk or kick the chair, etc.   Plus, you can get the movies at home so quickly now.


I have no desire to go to a public theater and these incidents have made me wary of large crowds in general.

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Re: In light of theatre tragedies, will you still go to movies?

We purchased a very large wall TV years ago and we can order movies as soon as they come out in theaters. My husband has a difficult hearing problem (has always) and it's so much better for him to use closed caption as well as his personal ear phones at home to fully enjoy movies. But, yes we will continue to see a movie at the theater once in a while. Yes, I am concerned about safety, but attacks happen everywhere these days. It's just so nice to pop popcorn and enjoy movies in our own home anytime of the day or night so we mostly chose that option.