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Re: I would so wear this in my classroom...

@chrystaltree wrote:

No teacher would be allowed to wear that in any school in my state.  Teachers dress casually, of course, but they don't dress like 13 year olds at a slumber party.

I guarantee you that teachers in all 50 states wear shirts similar to this sometimes.

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Re: I would so wear this in my classroom...

@chrystaltree wrote:

No teacher would be allowed to wear that in any school in my state.  Teachers dress casually, of course, but they don't dress like 13 year olds at a slumber party.

I'm in New York-we'd wear it!

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Re: I would so wear this in my classroom...

Cute shirt. Lord, what a bunch of debbie downers. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I would so wear this in my classroom...

@Mellie32 This shirt reminds me of my 1st year teaching-3rd grade. Yes, everyone believed i Santa, so it worked great


One of my students asked why Santa was sometimes white, African America or Asian? I remember telling her that Santa is special and 'magic, and he changes so he doesnt frighten children. She seemed satisfied with that quick answer


I really had to think on my feet but I loved my 3rd graders.