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@Cakers3 wrote:

@Sage04 wrote:

@Cakers3  this is the best tool that can do the job. I had four in my car when I lived in Florida. One in each door. Never had to use it.

@Sage04   Thank goodness!  Did you have the pen style?  Ours has the seat belt cutter and a light, too.

@Cakers3  at first I had just the punch, then my nephew gave me four with the punch, seatbelt, cutter and light. I asked him why and he said because you live in Florida and you don't know how to swim lol.


Never told him I couldn't swim but he thought I didn't know how.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

there are two available on QVC, but they do not have the seatbelt cutter.


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