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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Texas is loosening some restrictions beginning May 4. Just upon hearing that change was coming, traffic was almost back to -- its busy usual, yesterday, in anticipation. 


I know people are burning out with the stay at home mode, but our numbers in TX haven't been too bad because of our compliance. 


The fact remains, that it will be almost impossible to 'safely open up,' Time will tell, but I'm not ready to dive into the sea with the rest of the lemmings. We just don't know enough yet.    

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

The only people who are enthusiastically positive about these openings are the politicians. I haven't heard one doctor or scientist say it's a good idea. What ever happened to that list of White House guidelines, including 14 days of no increases in the numbers of victims before reopening? No state has reached that goal. Pandora's Box comes to mind. Once you open it, the ills of the world will come out and there'll be no closing it back up.

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

To everyone who’s so happy about your “freedom”.....Do some of us a favor and don’t travel to our stricter states. We don’t need any more virus cases and deaths than we already have.
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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

@nyc1 wrote:

I'm in Illinois, in the northern burbs of CHicago.   We are still under Stay at Home until May 30, even though some down state are challenging it.  I'd personally rather WAIT and be extra cautious.  I've been working from home going on week 8 and will continue to do so.  I would rather not reverse any good that has been done so far.

I know it's a huge strain on many businesses.  We support our local pizza shop and take out almost every Fri or Sat from them.   


I'm down state.  Illinois has not yet peaked.  Down state was the last to have cases, a couple of weeks behind the urban areas, and just this week are starting to see the upward trend.  


It seems like forever since we were on stay at home orders early on, but it is RIGHT NOW that not staying home will be more dangerous rather than less. 

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

[ Edited ]

@ciao_bella -

I have and was going to say the same.

It seems states are picking random dates to re-open because no state that I've heard reported has done any of the recommended steps or plans, the first to have 14 days of less cases.


I'm surprised that people are still thinking over 65 or with underlying health issues are the most at risk and I think the media and health experts are responsible too. They keep saying if states re-open, those who are elderly etc should still practice stay at home etc.

Yet every day in reports it is shown that the young from infants to 20, 30, 40 year olds are dying sometimes more in some states than the elderly. And these are healthy individuals.

A prime example-a 20 year old died, while her elderly mother survived this virus.

On CNN 2 nights ago they reported on infants, toddlers getting the virus and how quickly it could turn severe.

The signs to watch were said to be 

chest pain, leg swelling, and trouble breathing.And other reports I've also heard rash.These are the signs they said to watch for in children. A mother described her frightening experience of never thinking they would have to do cpr on her young child but they had to 3 times. He survived and is getting better. She just wanted to warn other parents.

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

You know what you won't see with all these businesses opening?  You'll never see any of the elected officals or their families going to eat, get a hair cut etc.


They will be safely tucked in their homes, getting tests that no one else can get unless they are coughing up a lung.


A lot of the governors are doing a wonderful job, some are useless.


To the ones just opening up willy-nilly, I'd say, you and your family first.

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

@Laura14 wrote:

Jail break in Georgia.  🏃🏻‍♀️


Any healthy under 65 individual can roam free again in GA.  Over 65 and/or with health issues are still sheltered until June.  

Malls open today and traffic is already on its way to being horrific again.  That is one thing I am not looking forward to getting back to normal.  Smiley Sad


Hope everyone stays safe while they get back out there.  Just because you can doesn't mean you should.  

Happy Friday!  Smiley Happy


Could not agree more.  Just because you can does not mean you should.  


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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

@AvalonRose wrote:

OMG can we just have one happy COVID19 thread....the OP is happy she can move about again, for those of you who think it's unwise, scroll past this thread.  

@AvalonRose  Maybe if you lived in New York and saw the deaths of so many young people on the Morning News, you would feel differently. There was a young woman 25 years old who was healthy and vital who lost her life in just a few days dealing with this wicked pandemic. Then there are the stored bodies outside of funeral homes. A Broadway star who had his leg amputated, had a pacemaker implanted and now back on the ventilator in an induced coma. And these kinds of scenarios are going on around the country. Just ask some of your friends in health care fighting this Pandemic. I know far too many people who are risking their lives and I fear for each and every one of them.


There is absolutely nothing happy about any of this and risking one's life before it is safe to do so just to get out of quarantine? Makes absolutely no sense to me.

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

@ciao_bella wrote:

We all have our own feelings about lifting state restrictions, and to each his own.  But the facts still remain.. not one single state has met the 14 day drop in cases the experts are saying should be met before considering lifting restrictions.  



The only concern I have on the 14 day drop rule is that it has been reported in Michigan at least that not all centers are sending results in on a daily basis.  We consistently have low numbers on Sunday and Mondays then BAM Tuesday the numbers skyrocket.  So really we have to look at averages.  I'm sure Michigan is not the only state experiencing this.


By no means am I ready for everything to be lifted but in Michigan I would like to see some additional things opened up.  Eye dr for example - my poor son has broken glasses and my appointment keeps getting rescheduled.  At the rate we are going he will be wearing taped up glasses until July.

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Re: I’m Free! 🙋🏻‍♀️

@Trinity11 Perfect post and I completely agree!