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I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

[ Edited ]

At first, I was very negative about the hearts, and found them juvenile.  But I guess there is still a juvenile in me "at heart" because it is lovely to feel good about getting a heart from someone who likes something I posted.

It is nice to know that something you say actually resonates with someone else.  

I do like the idea of the thumbs up/thumbs down but in the meantime, hearts are kind of nice. 


It reminds me of the Best Friends animal rescue website.  They post only positive information about their rescue animals.  They don't get into too many details of abuse or neglect, but focus on recovery and care with their words and their attitude.  This website is beginning to remind me of Best Friends.  (Might visit there someday.  BF is in the "wilds" of Utah.)

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

[ Edited ]

I think the hearts are a nice touch but to keep up with who hearts you and how many times is TMI for me.  A heart is a heart.  Wonder how many years they will collect that IMPORTANT data????

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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

Some of the simplest things can bring a smile.  Smiley Happy



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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

I like the hearts for two reasons.  If you like someone's comment, but do not necessarily want to make comment yourself; a heart is a way to express your view.  When I receive a heart, it is good to know that someone read what I wrote and thought it had merit.

i like the heart concept, it feels more personal.

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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

[ Edited ]
It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

I have liked the hearts since day one......   It's a good feeling to know that someone is reading what has been posted.......Heart:smileyvery-happy......,makes me feel good to see the hearts........: 

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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

i agree wildcat fan-simple and sweet💞. I enjoy using them to say "I agree" "thanks" "way to go" "LOL" "right on" "aww" "nice" They are fun to share. 💞
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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

I like using the hearts, too.  It's so easy to just click and move on.  Plus the notification lets you know that at least somebody read your post. 

"It doesn't matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty as long as you still have the rest of the bottle."
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Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

@betteb wrote:

Homegirl- I liked the hearts from the begining. They are a way to say, I like, I agree, etc, without creating a post, just to say ITA.


Previously, you would see those threads started (sometimes they were mine) that had 700 views and 2 replies, I think a lot of times, because people didn't feel it was worth it to create a post, just to say "I like"


I also use them as a way to notify the poster that I responded to their post.


Not to offend anyone, but I think they are only juvenille if one makes them that in one's own head.

I hope I'm misreading this, but it feels like you're "schooling" me in how to use hearts.  I didn't say I didn't know how to use them; I said at first I didn't like them but now I do find that I like them.


Also, if you re-read my sentences discussing the juvenile aspect, I say that at first I found them juvenile (in a negative sense) and then I say I still am "juvenile at heart" (which is meant in a positive sense.)  I hope everyone can see the difference.


I was planning to let this go but just wanted to be clearly understood.  Thank you for understanding.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I didn't know I'd like the hearts so much.

[ Edited ]

@GingerPeach wrote:

@betteb wrote:

Homegirl- I liked the hearts from the begining. They are a way to say, I like, I agree, etc, without creating a post, just to say ITA.


Previously, you would see those threads started (sometimes they were mine) that had 700 views and 2 replies, I think a lot of times, because people didn't feel it was worth it to create a post, just to say "I like"


I also use them as a way to notify the poster that I responded to their post.


Not to offend anyone, but I think they are only juvenille if one makes them that in one's own head.

I hope I'm misreading this, but it feels like you're "schooling" me in how to use hearts.  I didn't say I didn't know how to use them; I said at first I didn't like them but now I do find that I like them.


Also, if you re-read my sentences discussing the juvenile aspect, I say that at first I found them juvenile (in a negative sense) and then I say I still am "juvenile at heart" (which is meant in a positive sense.)  I hope everyone can see the difference.


I was planning to let this go but just wanted to be clearly understood.  Thank you for understanding.



No, not at all, I was just posting how I felt about the hearts. I'll delete it embarrassed-smiley-face.gif

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines