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Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-13-2012

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

On 3/25/2015 sidsmom said:

Sad that many look upon Hugh Hefner with a closed mind. He did more to liberate women than anyone. He brought in the sexual revolution. Women of my generation, growing up in he 50-60's could've had a totally different life if Hugh Hefner didn't exist. BTW...Thank god for that!

Also, many famous & important authors of our generation were discovered within the pages of Playboy magazine.

To have his family working for the company, daughter, Christie, as CEO for many years & son, Cooper, as the new face of Playboy...that says a lot...especially Christie.

Unfortunately people won't know the true impact Hugh Hefner made upon the world until he passes. And that will be a sad day when he's no longer here.

Using women as s@x objects is far from liberating for women. It's exactly what intelligent women DO NOT want.

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Posts: 833
Registered: ‎02-15-2015

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

On 3/25/2015 sidsmom said:
On 3/25/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 3/25/2015 sidsmom said:
On 3/25/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 3/25/2015 sidsmom said:

Sad that many look upon Hugh Hefner with a closed mind. He did more to liberate women than anyone. He brought in the sexual revolution. Women of my generation, growing up in he 50-60's could've had a totally different life if Hugh Hefner didn't exist. BTW...Thank god for that!

Also, many famous & important authors of our generation were discovered within the pages of Playboy magazine.

To have his family working for the company, daughter, Christie, as CEO for many years & son, Cooper, as the new face of Playboy...that says a lot...especially Christie.

Unfortunately people won't know the true impact Hugh Hefner made upon the world until he passes. And that will be a sad day.

Oh, Baloney.

With all due respect.

Respect taken. But as a poster that has past intelligent, insightful posts, I thought there might have been a better response than "Oh, Baloney". Com' can do better!

Certainly an intelligent insightful poster such as yourself...

Thanks for comment!

Love how you ignore what you don't like.

It's rather humorous.

Super Contributor
Posts: 833
Registered: ‎02-15-2015

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

On 3/25/2015 terrier3 said:
On 3/25/2015 Ilikeshade said:
On 3/25/2015 terrier3 said:
On 3/25/2015 Ilikeshade said:

I don't know who the chancellor of UCLA was years ago but he/she failed miserably to protect the students. No way should Hef or his representatives been allowed to peruse the campus and have his stretch limo available to take them away with promises of meeting ""the right people.""

Hef is tame compared to Joe Francis and the Girls Gone Wild videos!!!

Did Joe Francis pimp girls off a college campus?

He gets them drunk out of their minds at spring break parties and then gets them to pose for he has been arrested and convicted in the past for exploiting young women.

Someone is bound to come along and blame the girls.

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Registered: ‎11-07-2013

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

This thread needs to be closed.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,966
Registered: ‎05-13-2012

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

On 3/26/2015 MyBoyPumpkin said:

This thread needs to be closed.

Why? Hugh has been around a long time (seems like forever) and we all have opinions of him and his business.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

On 3/26/2015 fourpaws said:



All of my children have paws =^..^=

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,746
Registered: ‎01-19-2015

Re: Hugh Hefner 88 yrs old-Ewwww

Dirty (BUT RICH) Old Man .....'nuff said!
~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~