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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I have waited as long as an hour and 45 minutes.  I only waited because this was the only doctor I could get into for a back pain issue and I was in a lot of pain.


It was my first and last visit with her and I asked one of my favorite specialists for a referral for my follow up.


I would say my dermatologist makes me wait the longest, up to 45 minutes sometimes.  I believe that it's because once she has people in her office for something, she talks them into a full body skin check while they are there.


As others have said, because I know she takes time with me and does not rush me out the door, I don't mind waiting on the front end.  And now that I know this is the standard, I factor that time into my day.


Do I like it?  Absolutely not.  But I like my doctor enough to put up with it.  The same as how I put up with their office staff.  It is the price I pay for a good doctor.

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I have waited 2 hours already at my pain team. (Its usually 45 minutes to an hour) And yes I say something.


My husband hates going to his eye surgeon (and he has to go forever since his 2 cornea transplants plus he has a regular eye Dr). Two times ago he was there 3 hours and hes a calm person but he finally yelled. They apologized but last time he was there 1 hour 45 minutes. The girls do all the testing then he waits and waits that long for the surgeon to come in 2 minutes!.. He must go there the rest of his life.

Dr blamed the staff, claims they over book and my husband said to them well then I suggest you talk to your staff and tell them to stop over booking! I used to go with him and now i stay home because there's no way I can sit there all that time with my bad back!


PS I feel we should charge Drs for making US wait like THEY would charge US for missed appointments!


PSS) Our best Dr is the family Dr. In and out in no time for complete physicals! AND I thank them all the time for how great they are! 

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I'm a very easy going person and bring a book in case I have to wait.  Going to the doctor is a big deal for me and I don't take it lightly.  I rise early and take a shower and put on nice clothing that is clean and pressed.  I plan my appointment for a day of the week and time when there is not heavy traffic.  I also take into consideration what type of weather I'll be subjected to and always plan for decent weather.  So, all things considered, I would never get into a huff nor have a childish temper tantrum because things simply didn't go my way. If wait times ever got out of hand I would change doctors not b**** about it on some shopping forum.  



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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

If I have an appointment, I rarely wait more than 10 minutes after the time to see my doctors.   If they are fitting me in, then that's on me and I'll wait.  


There have been a few times where my appointment took longer than expected so it delayed someone else.  There are times someone else needs more time with the dr so it's only right that I let them have it.  

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I used to see a Neurologist where I would be there 4 hours or more each time I went.

It was insane. My boss thought I was lying. You would sit 3 hours in the waiting room and then another hour in the exam room. Maybe had 15 minutes seeing the Dr.



At the time there was not a lot of Neurologits in Las Vegas.

Luckily I found a great one. I never waited more than 10 minutes. He also had better bedside manner.  Even though I know longer live in Las Vegas, I still go to see him once a year.


I had a Gyn where I would also wait for hours. I switched to another GYN and she asked me why I left the previous one, I told her I cannot afford to keep taking off from work to sit for hours waiting to see a Dr. The new Dr. yelled at me in the hallway in front of other patients and staff about my answer. Well needless to say I never went to her again either.


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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

More people need to stick up for themselves and complain about wait times.  I'm sorry but you should not be waiting 45 minutes to see a Dr unless you had to make a last minute one.  There is NO excuse for the wait, the offices are taking advantage of us.  My OBGYN and PC dr both have guidelines on how long you are expected to wait.  If you are waiting 20 minutes you are asked to see the staff.  As a result you never wait.


Specialty drs can be the worst and we all just take it.  I get very angry when I have to wait.  My son needed to see a surgeon and we were left in the room where you see the Dr for 45 minutes with the door open.  He was 10 at the time and was not shy and was vocal about the wait.  The dr came in and apologized but could tell we were very irritated.  I have also been to other o speciality offices in which  you got in right away.


I'm scheduling my day around the Dr apt I made, I expect the office to meet their end of the bargain. 

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

[ Edited ]

@zumka wrote:

I'm a very easy going person and bring a book in case I have to wait.  Going to the doctor is a big deal for me and I don't take it lightly.  I rise early and take a shower and put on nice clothing that is clean and pressed.  I plan my appointment for a day of the week and time when there is not heavy traffic.  I also take into consideration what type of weather I'll be subjected to and always plan for decent weather.  So, all things considered, I would never get into a huff nor have a childish temper tantrum because things simply didn't go my way. If wait times ever got out of hand I would change doctors not b**** about it on some shopping forum.  





I am guessing you are retired. Many of us have to take time off of work to go to appointments and then expected to wait hours to see the Dr.

It's hard to change dr. here when there are sometimes only one in that field.

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

@I am still oxox wrote:

It was a follow up with my Rhumetologsit not a sick visit

       My best friend had an appt last week with her Rhumetologist.   He is always running late.  20 minutes after her appt time the receptionist told her he was running late.   She got in to see him an hour and 45 minutes later.   I'm not sure I would have waited that long but she was back to get and discuss test results and didn't have to be anywhere else that afternoon, so she waited.  

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

My elderly mother and I both saw the doctor yesterday. He gets in at 9:00, we had 9:30 and 9:45 appointments. He got in late ( he makes his hospital rounds in the morning before office hours). I have to add the doctor has a big practice, Has an associate, and someone who does some kind of testing. He has 8 parking spots assigned to him, 3 of which were taken up by workers. So my mother and  I get to our appointments always an hour or 45 minutes early to get a parking spot. We got out of the office about 11:20 for this office that's not bad.