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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

It's difficult....and will continue to be difficult to move on as long as he is still involved in your life. Nothing wrong with remaining on friendly terms for the sake of children (even adult children)....however going to dinner, shopping, etc. and doing things like a couple is more than just remaining friends.....let go of him....let him know that you wish to remain friends but from a distance.

As for meeting can't be open to meeting anyone else if you're still in a semi relationship with your ex....let go and let live. :-)

He cheated on you....numerous times in your marriage....that in itself should be reason enough to cut him out of your life for good. Been there done wasn't easy to walk away from a man I loved but I also knew I deserved better....was I bitter and angry? betcha!!.....and there are still times I get caught up in my bitterness over his cheatin' ways but once I cut him out of my life that was it and there was no turning back and no way was he ever getting back into my good graces so he could betray me like that again.

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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

On 2/18/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 2/18/2015 pood said:

For crying out loud, first STOP going out to dinner, shopping, etc with him!

Your kids are grown, so you can't use them as an excuse to see him.

Join clubs, meet new single people, get a part time job-do something.

He's an ex for a reason-he has no friends to do things with? Tough-let him wait til his GF is available..

I have to say, if I was his new GF I wouldn't be too happy with him going out with you.....

I wonder if GF even knows that he's spending time with his Ex.

I said the same thing several posts ago. I'd not be happy if I was the GF but I wonder if she even knows? {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}

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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

On 2/18/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 2/18/2015 lulu2 said:

What a prince. He used your hotel account so you could earn points while he shacked up with his girlfriend?

Be thankful he's your EX.

Another word comes to mind that starts with a P.

What a krappy thing to do.

Does it rhyme with tick?

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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

On 2/18/2015 LipstickDiva said:
On 2/18/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 2/18/2015 lulu2 said:

What a prince. He used your hotel account so you could earn points while he shacked up with his girlfriend?{#emotions_dlg.scared}

Be thankful he's your EX.

Another word comes to mind that starts with a P.

What a krappy thing to do.

Does it rhyme with tick? {#emotions_dlg.devil2}

And flick, and plick!

This guy sounds like a real charmer, doesn't he? Sneaks around behind the GF's back to see the Ex.

He just wants to keep all the girlies happy, I'm sure Wink

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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

You're not over him because you haven't let go and still have maintained an attachment to him. You made a mistake buying so close, and as long as you talk to him any more than necessary for the sake of the kids, you're not going to get over him. Make your own friends, develop some new interests, take lessons or a class, put yourself on the dating market if you're ready. Don't be so available for him to lean on. You two are co-dependant.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

On 2/18/2015 MickD said: .....hire a hit man......

Ding! We have a winner Post of the day!

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

On 2/18/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 2/18/2015 LipstickDiva said:
On 2/18/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 2/18/2015 lulu2 said:

What a prince. He used your hotel account so you could earn points while he shacked up with his girlfriend?{#emotions_dlg.scared}

Be thankful he's your EX.

Another word comes to mind that starts with a P.

What a krappy thing to do.

Does it rhyme with tick? {#emotions_dlg.devil2}

And flick, and plick!

This guy sounds like a real charmer, doesn't he? Sneaks around behind the GF's back to see the Ex.

He just wants to keep all the girlies happy, I'm sure Wink

hey you can't blame him....................some dude can't do to you what you don't allow him to do........but he will hella sure do anything you allow him to get away with.............................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

On 2/18/2015 KittyLouSoutenu said:
On 2/18/2015 lulu2 said:

What a prince. He used your hotel account so you could earn points while he shacked up with his girlfriend?{#emotions_dlg.scared}

Be thankful he's your EX.

Another word comes to mind that starts with a P.

What a krappy thing to do.

It's Lent. I'm trying to be a kinder, gentler person.

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Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

Yes, I'm guessing that the new girlfriend wouldn't like the idea that her boyfriend is calling and having dinners with his ex wife. I do believe that if she happened to find out, she wouldn't be too happy. Unless she is needy.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: How do you get over an ex-husband??

OP, it sounds like you and your ex enjoy each other's company, which has made it hard to make the divorce complete. There are people who don't hate their exes, but you must cut ties to move on with your life. Others have said it, too. Make it a clean break, and only see or talk to him if you are at events that involve your adult children.

Remember, the girlfriend is with a man who will cheat on her. He sounds like a serial cheater.