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@cjm61 wrote:

I agree @matty liz . Years ago, I've been shopping QVC since 1986, there wasn't one host I couldn't watch. I loved them all. QVC was on in my home all day. Now, as you mentioned, I generally do not let other's get under my skin. However, more and more hosts have deterred me from watching QVC. Or, I should say, having it on for background noise. I will occasionally have it on but I never just sit and watch it. I also make a point not to place any order, even online, when a host is on that I cannot watch. 


Somehow, this style of presenting must be working as they would have had the hosts discontinue these selling tactics. There are still a handful of hosts I do actually enjoy watching but it's few and far between. 



It's not the financial reports available online the declines in sales are now in double digits.....I think the QVC Executives are missing the point of what's going on and flooding streaming channels with hosts shows, less on the products more focus on the hosts on the presentation shows doesn't seem to be working at all!!! 

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@chrystaltree wrote:

I've been watching QVC practically since day 1. I try to avoid being criticizing hosts to the point of bashing. I try to remember that it's a hard job that most people could not do. It just looks easy on TV. I love QVC. I love everything about QVC and HSN. I don't watch much of either on TV. I'm not the type to plunk my self down in front of the TV and watch for two or three hours. I shop their websites. I watch selected programs that interest me. I don't watch shows that don't interest me. Like food shows and garden shows.  QVC is a retailer, not a source of entertainment for me.  



People are doing what you are----watching only shows that interest them and that's why sales and revenues are down.....they aren't showing much that interest viewers anymore.....its repetition of the same limited products and annoying hosts that are driving people away.....the website doesn't have a whole lot of info either....questions posted there mostly go unanswered....










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@Spurt wrote:
@chrystaltree wrote:
I've been watching QVC practically since day 1. I try to avoid being criticizing hosts to the point of bashing. I try to remember that it's a hard job that most people could not do. It just looks easy on TV. I love QVC. I love everything about QVC and HSN. I don't watch much of either on TV. I'm not the type to plunk my self down in front of the TV and watch for two or three hours. I shop their websites. I watch selected programs that interest me. I don't watch shows that don't interest me. Like food shows and garden shows. QVC is a retailer, not a source of entertainment for me.  
People are doing what you are----watching only shows that interest them and that's why sales and revenues are down.....they aren't showing much that interest viewers anymore.....its repetition of the same limited products and annoying hosts that are driving people away.....the website doesn't have a whole lot of info either....questions posted there mostly go unanswered....
If the QVC Shopping experience is so awful.  STOP WATCHING.  Why in heavens name are watching something that makes you so miserable and unhappy?  QVC was never intended to be a source of entertainment.   

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For the most part the hosts are atrocious!  But I blame the company and what they lay out as expections for them. 

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@ladyann45   well said!!  Honestly there are hosts I really cannot watch, so I either mute or change the channel but bashing them or holding them or anyone for that matter, to my standards is ridiculous.  We are all different and we shouldn't expect people to think, feel, talk or behave like us let alone critize them for it.   The energy it takes is simply a waste.  Some folks who post here seem to have an obsession with the Q and it's hosts.  

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I have also been a customer practically since day 1, and Kathy Levine was absolutely one of my favorites. I no longer watch QVC to watch it, I usually jump to it when a commercial pops up that I don't want to see. Other than that I check the website each day. QVC has introduced me to many brands and products, for which I am most appreciative but some of the antics and the constant banter when they have host 'couples' on is not for me.

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It's all a generational issue IMO.  Do you watch Tik-Tok, Instagram, etc.?  If so, you would see that they move faster and faster and the sales presentations are quick.  If you are used to a more slow detailed sales presentation then a quicker, louder, more boistrous then QVC today doesn't work for you.  But if QVC is attempting to modernize to gain a new customer base then faster moving and talking hosts make more sense.


The older loyal customer base is aging out for ongoing sales.  They need to get a younger customer if they are to survive.  IMO it's too little too late.  

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I agree most of the hosts they have on now are "unwatchable". I can't stand watching their silly antics and phony chatter and their "I am wonderful" attitude. When these hosts are on, I cannot watch the shows. I now find myself buying more from retail stores and shopping online at QVC. How I miss the hosts that were "fun", but not stupid silly. Some of the shows I love to watch, but not when these hosts with their goofy antics are presenting them. I love watching Mary Beth, Dan, Sandra, Jane and Pat, David. QVC needs to get more hosts like them. Until then, I won't buy from a show that is being hosted by the "goofy" and "dishonest" hosts.

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I do believe it's a generational thing. Q is trying to reach the younger folks who are used to the antics on their social media feeds. They want screaming silliness and hosts in pajamas.

I don't. I'm old. I prefer calm and details about each item shown. I remember the early days of QVC where most hosts sat at tables to present items - and hosts were dressed up in suits and dresses. Not torn jeans or joggers. I'm an old fuddy-duddy. I just can't watch QVC anymore.

I just had a memory of Mike Rowe sitting behind a desk selling porcelain figurines.... Those were good times!
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I miss 2 that were there when I started watching QVC....Kathy Levine-tho she shows up from time to time, and Bob Bowersox. I loved Bob's kitchen show, and have a couple of his cookbooks.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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