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Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

It seems so much later.  I don't go by clocks, don't pay any attention except to watch my TV shows.  My one clock I use on the wall is battery operated and I just realized I haven't changed it.


Like I seems so much later than 5:34 EST time!

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

The time change always messes up my sleep cycle, no matter daylight savings or otherwise.

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

The time changed just went into effect @ 2am,what change could anyone   I imagine tomorrow, the first workday, some people might feel they've lost some sleep.  Of course, some people will go on and on about that for 3   When actually. the time catches up after that first 24 hour cycle.  I just don't see the point of Daylight Savings time anymore.  It's pointless. 

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

Today seemed extra long to me!

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

I LOVE the time change in the fall because I am not a morning person.  When we change back in the spring, I am miserable.  My body cannot seem to adjust to getting up "an hour earlier".  My husband just goes by whatever the clock says without any issues.  I wish that I could!  In the spring I need to set 2 or 3 alarms just to wake up on time for several weeks.

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

I much prefer EST. I always feel better when we switch back

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

[ Edited ]

We were on vacation for a week- came home Friday (worn out), slept and got up early to head to Knoxville for a football game and got back late last night.  Today was catch up day- for lack of better words- store & etc so it was like this aftenoon both of us felt "it"..  but we did put up our big Christmas star in the back yard- afterall, Disney has their Christmas decorations up and the sweet holiday music playing on Main Street.. so we got to do Halloween and see Christmas in one visit..  It was so much fun!!  Ho Boo Ho Boo Ho Boo... 

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

It's only 5:50PM and it's pitch dark outside.  I'm a person who loves light and especially sunlight and temps around 70 degrees.

My daughter in Denver keeps telling me I need to move there where she is...she might be right!  Ha!

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour?

I LOVE it!! I prefer the darkness/shorter days. I sleep SO much better when we gain that hour. From Spring till now I really don't ever feel....rested. Give me grey, cold, dark, fog and rain any/all the time; I am one happy camper!!!!

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Re: Have You Noticed Any Difference Since Time Change 1 Hour? was dark before 5:30.  I don't like it one bit.  On top of that I don't like to drive after dark, haven't done so in years, so I feel like I am held hostage.  But it is good for my patience and I do like how light it is early in the morning.  I just like the light period.  Would be quite content for it to be light at 6:00 AM and not get dark until 9:30 PM.