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Yes, to what some others have said just moments ago.  I understand your need to vent but venting sometimes takes the place of doing.  It gives you relief for awhile but does nothing to solve the problem.  It will take action on your part.  If you don't take action, someone else may be forced to take it. If you do it for yourself that would be a better way to go....don't you think?


I wanted to tell you, @Halfpint, that my thoughts and prayers are with you.  I realize you are in difficult place but please remember....there are always other options. 

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Telling her to take her medicine, i see nothing wrong with that, she needs to see her doctor,and do what he says to do.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest,my  post wasnt aimed at you.Many were suggesting why she was hearing noise. She has had these episodes before, posted here,seemingly  urgent.It seems coming here gives here  comfort,which is nice,but she needs to take control of this herself. There appears to be a bigger problem than not taking meds. When wellness checks are made out of fear on a public board,action needs to be taken.You cannot replace  badly needed evaluation with kind words. Telling her everything is ok ,doesn't make it so..

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@halfpint1  I wanted to make sure you were reading this thread as well as the ones in the Widows thread.  There's some important information here.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@jubilant wrote:

Yes, to what some others have said just moments ago.  I understand your need to vent but venting sometimes takes the place of doing.  It gives you relief for awhile but does nothing to solve the problem.  It will take action on your part.  If you don't take action, someone else may be forced to take it. If you do it for yourself that would be a better way to go....don't you think?


@I wanted to tell you, @Halfpint, that my thoughts and prayers are with you.  I realize you are in difficult place but please remember....there are always other options. 

Hi @jubilant. Halfpint has often expressed she wants her independence and when it is suggested to her about moving she has no interest. When many feared for her safety when she posted about picking up cans at Walmart, she was not interested in advice...although she wanted to know why she had pain in her hands.


I, at this point, after years of reading her posts do not think she is going to change without the intervention of her son. No one here has really changed anything. Even with the police checking, she will continue to struggle without an advocate.


I wish her well but I feel our hands are tied in really helping in a meaningful way.

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@NickNack,yes,yes ,yes,bless you...

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@SharkE wrote:

In my mother in law's case my husband got power of attorney and medical power of attorney and took the correct steps. He also worked with her Dr. and between the 2 of them she was happy and safe before she passed.

@SharkE  When people are in a state like this, it is often what you need to do to keep them safe and out of harm's way.  It is unlikely they will "decide" to do it for themselves. 

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@I am stillkeeper of the  wrote:

@goldensrbest,my  post wasnt aimed at you.Many were suggesting why she was hearing noise. She has had these episodes before, posted here,seemingly  urgent.It seems coming here gives here  comfort,which is nice,but she needs to take control of this herself. There appears to be a bigger problem than not taking meds. When wellness checks are made out of fear on a public board,action needs to be taken.You cannot replace  badly needed evaluation with kind words. Telling her everything is ok ,doesn't make it so..

Yes, she does need evaluation,  she must help herself, if she does not her son needs to get her into a safe place,and go from there.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Good to see we agree.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest wrote:

Telling her to take her medicine, i see nothing wrong with that, she needs to see her doctor,and do what he says to do.

@goldensrbest.  She saw her Doctor yesterday. He said to take the medicine he gave her. I thought you saw her post about this.