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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@stevieb @She is awaiting approval. 

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

Someone else started a Thread and is using the same name  at  Proboards and people are confused. They are also waiting for approval. @Mindy D  that Thread was started after yours.

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

This is confusing. How many proboards are there going to be? I registered on a couple of  boards but am holding off joining proboards until this is settled. Too many people trying out too many alternatives. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@dooBdoo,  I have an ancient email address for you.  Is it still good?  Need a way to contact you for help after this board closes unless, of course, you register at

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@teganslaw wrote:

This is confusing. How many proboards are there going to be? I registered on a couple of  boards but am holding off joining proboards until this is settled. Too many people trying out too many alternatives. 

@teganslaw, I'm with you. Seems too many "new" alternatives. I'll wait, I don't want to be signed on to all these places that I know nothing about, for now. Even logged out on them, IMO, is iffy.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@Mellyg  Did you ever receive my email? I never got a response.

I just responded @NicksmomESQ , I appreciated your message, thank you! I apologize for the delay in responding. 

Between registering a new email, to the pro board, keeping up with communications here, it's been a day, lol! I'm moving as fast as possible. Thank you for your patience!

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@Mellyg et al......

how do you even join proboards? i am searching for how to create a user account, but all i see is setting up a new forum?

maybe i am not looking in the correct place OR maybe you have to be invited to join the group?

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@Mellyg wrote:

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@Mellyg  Did you ever receive my email? I never got a response.

I just responded @NicksmomESQ , I appreciated your message, thank you! I apologize for the delay in responding. 

Between registering a new email, to the pro board, keeping up with communications here, it's been a day, lol! I'm moving as fast as possible. Thank you for your patience!

 @Mellyg  I had trouble signing on to the new board but finally got in !! I'm here for you.Just ask. ❤️

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@sunshine45 wrote:

@Mellyg et al......

how do you even join proboards? i am searching for how to create a user account, but all i see is setting up a new forum?

maybe i am not looking in the correct place OR maybe you have to be invited to join the group? @sunshine45 . No invitation necessary. Hope this helps.🌸

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Posts: 42,138
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@Trinity11 wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

@Mellyg et al......

how do you even join proboards? i am searching for how to create a user account, but all i see is setting up a new forum?

maybe i am not looking in the correct place OR maybe you have to be invited to join the group? @sunshine45 . No invitation necessary. Hope this helps.🌸




thank you @Trinity11  that was a big help. 

i am in Smiley Happy

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein