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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

Franz donuts ~ especially the chocolate covered ones ~ from the store.






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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

The only larger brand name donut shop here is Winchell's. We do have several mom & pop donut shops. DH buys at one of them as their donuts melt in your mouth. They must use less sugar in their glazed donuts because they don't taste overly sweet like most do. I hardly ever eat them. When I do eat one I prefer a chocolate cake donut with chocolate icing.

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Re: Favorite donut shop and donuts?

I don't have a favorite brand or eatery.  I just love Fried Apple Fritters.  They can be from a Casey's gas station for all I care!!!

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

[ Edited ]

There are two, but not nationally known.  One is a family owned bakery business with maybe a half dozen locations in Northern Indiana called "Rise 'n' Roll".  We don't buy bakery goods for the house, but we do visit one of this particular bakery's locations about 6 times a year or so.  I usually get the caramel apple filled w/cinnammon powdered sugar and DH usually gets a chocolate frosted bavarian cream, but we have tried other varieties that are also very good.  I just read the bad news that they're opening a store about 30 minutes away from me.  Woman Wink  I'm going to have to summon up some extra willpower to stay away.

The other place is a local family bakery.  They make packzis like no one else and they're amazing.  My favorite is their fresh strawberry w/cream cheese.  DH likes that one too, but he also likes the chocolate delight.  DH and I do treat ourselves a few times for a Saturday morning breakfast when they have them since they are only available seasonally.

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

No one in my family ate donuts... I was deprived, lol.


I don't think they were big around here until recently, especially when we got a Krispy Kreme.  I went there once and the choices were amazing.  I bought one of their Halloween fancy donuts.


I've heard so much about Dunkin Donuts, we're getting one of those, too, finally, and I will go to check out that place to see what all the hoopla is about.

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

Since 1941 here in Texas and LA. I have been hitting the same store since I was a young girl in the 60's.  We always picked up a big bag for our shopping trips to Dallas before we left town on Saturday mornings.

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

Here we have Krispy Kreme, Dunkin and Fractured Prune. I thought Winchells and Hortons were only in Canada.

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

Thomas Donut (& Snack Shop)

Panama City Beach, Florida

Key-Lime Filled

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?



I allow myself one donut and one burger a week, most of the weeks in the year!

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Re: Favorite donut shop and/or donuts?

Gosh, I haven't eaten a donut in over 20 years. Other than the grocery stores, I can't even tell you where to buy them around here.