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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

@aj1980- I'm in So. Cal.  There go the prices for fast food - higher and higher to justify the wage increase.  Another sign of the times.

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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

This only encourages people, especially the young, to stay in dead-end jobs.  They will never attempt to improve their marketability by acquire skills through vocational training or higher education.  


California is doing youth a huge disfavor.



We've encouraged young people telling them you can do what you love and live like a celebrity, but that just doesn't work out for most of us.


They wind up living a disappointed life, seeing themselves as victims of not having what they are entitled to have, and being angry and disillusioned.  They don't learn to live within their means or to deal with disappointment and go on with life.   It is sad for them.  




Huh?   I don't know who you're referring to, but I don't know ANY parents who've told their kids "they can live like a celebrity". 


No one I know does this.

@Tinkrbl44 Literally I am sure you are right.  But kids are taught in large part today to expect to live the good life and work at whatever they love and is fun.


Reality is that to live the good life you most often have to train and educate yourself for a well-paying job, go to work and do a good job, work hard, get along with other workers, and listen to the boss, whether you agree with it or not.  Also, to work for a paycheck, not praise and special treatment.  



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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

Here in PA, a lot of fast food places pay $20 an hour to start.  They need help that bad.


My granddaughter who started college in the fall made $23 an hour working at a place that sells gas and quick food.  She wanted to save for college money.


Our minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.  No one can live on $7.25 and few people want to work for that wage.  


I wish restaurant workers were paid a fair wage and didn't have to beg for tips. They make $2.83 an hour, plus tips.  The public should not be paying their wages.

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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

This only encourages people, especially the young, to stay in dead-end jobs.  They will never attempt to improve their marketability by acquire skills through vocational training or higher education.  


California is doing youth a huge disfavor.



We've encouraged young people telling them you can do what you love and live like a celebrity, but that just doesn't work out for most of us.


They wind up living a disappointed life, seeing themselves as victims of not having what they are entitled to have, and being angry and disillusioned.  They don't learn to live within their means or to deal with disappointment and go on with life.   It is sad for them.  




Huh?   I don't know who you're referring to, but I don't know ANY parents who've told their kids "they can live like a celebrity". 


No one I know does this.

I really believe that some of this commentary is from people who don't  know any children, never had them in their lives and don't have the power to reflect on their own younger selves and upbringing (or lack thereof).

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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

@Ronettes wrote:


@Ronettes.  In NM the scholarships are paid for by people playing the lottery, it's not tax money.


A friend of ours sent her son to Rutgers, an expensive college, for four years.

She and her husband almost lost their house paying the bills for that school, her job went to 4 day work weeks and his business was slow.

Somehow they made it through by scrimping, and when the son graduated they found out how many were attending that college free, they hit the roof!

Enough said on that.



I am not trying to argue. I just want to understand. What do you mean they were attending the college for free. Do you mean via a Scholarship?

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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

[ Edited ]

@Carmie wrote:

Here in PA, a lot of fast food places pay $20 an hour to start.  They need help that bad.


My granddaughter who started college in the fall made $23 an hour working at a place that sells gas and quick food.  She wanted to save for college money.


Our minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.  No one can live on $7.25 and few people want to work for that wage.  


I wish restaurant workers were paid a fair wage and didn't have to beg for tips. They make $2.83 an hour, plus tips.  The public should not be paying their wages.



Goes to show you wages have not gone up much especially for restaurant workers. I waited on tables in 1973 for $1 per hour plus tips. Not all people tip?

Minimum wage here is only $7.25 per hour. I don't know what they think you are going to do with that. Not make a living.


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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !


DH and I are on different morning sleep schedules so we didn't eat lunch together often.  He used to eat lunch out most days.   Because of the inceased cost and decrease in qualify, he now generally makes his lunch at home, so we now eat lunch together.  For me it is cereal as breakfast and for DH whatever he makes for lunch.


Today had Dr appointment so we had lunch at a well known large chain restaurant.  On the way home we both commented on the downhill slide and that neither of us enjoyed what used to be one of favorite restaurant chains..


I don't know the wage paid there but they always have a Now Hiring sign up.

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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

I had a 1bd apartment in San Francisco in the 90's. The rent was $665, that same place is now $3,195Smiley Surprised


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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

@aj1980 Exactly. I came out of college at $25,000 with my first 1B apartment around that. I now make more than double and I can't afford a one bedroom apartment at all. Smiley Sad

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Re: Fast Food Minimum wage $20 !

@aj1980 wrote:

I had a 1bd apartment in San Francisco in the 90's. The rent was $665, that same place is now $3,195Smiley Surprised


The apartment I used to live in when young and single which was $100 a month, is now $2,500.

And that doesn't include utilities, etc.