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@mspemberley ALL those profiles are fake and use photos stolen from the internet. FAKE people it's a SCAM.

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I closed my account years ago. Don't stay there. 

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That would make me uncomfortable too. I would report it to a group Admin.  He's probably doing it to others too. Some groups have rules about not contacting other members via PM.  


I haven't had that situation, but I have had random people try to Friend me.  I wouldn't trust looking at their profiles either.  They know how to make their profile look like the persona they're trying to pretend to be. Lots of good lookin' widowers out there.  I just ignore those. 


I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook.  I love my groups, in fact, I have a group, but I dislike Facebook on the whole, especially their stupid Fact Checkers.  Talk about a joke.  And their "algorithms" that put you in Facebook jail for saying the wrong word.  

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I get these scams all the time especially when I post something in one of the groups I belong.


Delete and ignore I'm sure they'll be more🙄🤦‍♀️

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Only friend those you know.

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@Jordan2 wrote:

@bikerbabe wrote:
It’s a scammer on FB. Happens all the time. Ignore and block.

@bikerbabe I get it is most likely a scam, but what exactly do they hope to gain? That I'll get comfortable enough to give him personal information about myself? One would hope that people are savvy enough not to give out information. 

@Jordan2  recently I receive a friend request. I saw that she was also a friend of a friend of mine. I asked him about her and he told me to delete it. He says all they do is "flood" your page with nonsense.

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@FlyersGirl wrote:

@Jordan2 There are so many ways that these scammers use to try to get personal info. Sometimes you will see a post from someone that looks innocent stating something like "I am from Michigan, what state are you from". Or, find your "Elf" name where you use your birth month and day to get the compound name. (Now they have your state and birthday). Works best when people use their real name on Facebook. Or someone pretending to be a page admin will ask you to send an instant message to them to "check in" to verify that you are still a follower of that page. So many scams and scammers. We all need to be careful.

@FlyersGirl  I wonder how come these things don't happen to me. Maybe they don't like me. My birth date on FB is locked although I entered the wrong Birthdate on purpose.

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What I like about FB is that our Real Estate Agent also lists the houses we flip, there.


I also like "Messenger". Those on my Page are people I know or their relatives. Only my Family has my phone number and we correspond on Whattsapp. Those who do not have my phone number, reach me on "Messenger".

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Everyone here has given you the correct answer. Ignore those comments.  Don't respond at all and if you get a friend request from someone you don't know, decline it.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Registered: ‎04-23-2010

This is all the time , I just ignore them.They want info from you. keep on scrolling right by them or block them if they persist