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Registered: ‎05-11-2010

Re: FTC Sues to Block Albertson's/Kroger Merger

I am opposed to this merger.  It would greatly affect the people of Las Vegas where I live. 

In my neighborhood alone there are two Smiths(Kroger) and two Albertsons in a very short distance to one another. If the merger goes through one or more of the stores will close. 

People may not be aware as it gets so hot here, alot of people walk to the stores as they have no transportation. When a supermarket closes it creates a hardship for them. 


For me personally, Smiths produce is bad. It is never fresh. Many times I came home with bad produce. Albertsons has great produce. Always fresh. Not one have I had a problem. 


The Smiths here has very limited options for name brand grocery items. Most are Kroger brand items. Albertsons has all of the name brands in addition to their store brand. 


Albertsons shelves are always stocked and are clean. Smiths shelves are empty and the stores appear to not be very clean. 


The prices at both are around the same, and they both have coupons and sales each week. 


One of Senators and Congresswoman are also fighiting this. As well as our Attorney General. We have had town halls on this topic which I attended as well as wrote letters. 


We have Walmart, Costco, and Sams. I do not shop at any of these stores. And I do not wish for myself or my neighbors to have only one choice of a major supermarket. 

I hope this will be able to be stopped. JMO it will make things harder for the people who live here. Especially our seniors and those without options to travel to further away locations. Not to mention the lose of jobs.   

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Posts: 4,471
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: FTC Sues to Block Albertson's/Kroger Merger

I hope the merger doesn't happen.  Prices are high enough now and with the two combining they are bound to get even higher (with no competition in many areas). 


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Posts: 1,025
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: FTC Sues to Block Albertson's/Kroger Merger

Yes in California and Arizona we have both. Kroger has different names. I California it's Ralph's and in Arizona it's Fryes. Safeway is Albertsons. I think those companies have new competitors with Sprout and Traders joes.