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When I was young and stupid I always thought looks were so important, my mom would say looks weren't everything, but who listens to their mother?!  As I matured I realized she was right, I like someone who is funny, can make me laugh, is kind and compassionate, and treats me well. What's important to you?

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@Jordan2 wrote:

When I was young and stupid I always thought looks were so important, my mom would say looks weren't everything, but who listens to their mother?!  As I matured I realized she was right, I like someone who is funny, can make me laugh, is kind and compassionate, and treats me well. What's important to you?

Those same qualities you mentioned are important to me too.  However, I'll add patience, generous, respectful, loving, playful, responsible and stable.

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@Jordan2 wrote:

When I was young and stupid I always thought looks were so important, my mom would say looks weren't everything, but who listens to their mother?!  As I matured I realized she was right, I like someone who is funny, can make me laugh, is kind and compassionate, and treats me well. What's important to you?

@Jordan2   Honesty would be number 1 for me... Looks aren't everything.  I should have listened to my mom too...🤦🏻‍♀️

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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

@Mombo1 wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

When I was young and stupid I always thought looks were so important, my mom would say looks weren't everything, but who listens to their mother?!  As I matured I realized she was right, I like someone who is funny, can make me laugh, is kind and compassionate, and treats me well. What's important to you?

@Jordan2   Honesty would be number 1 for me... Looks aren't everything.  I should have listened to my mom too...🤦🏻‍♀️

Good grief, I should've thought of Honesty immediately after my ex!!!  Just goes to show that I still may not be ready to date lol.

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For myself, when young, it had to be a few things. Most of all, I wanted a very, very accomplished man, intellectually superior to myself. I admit, however, without good looks, I would not have been attracted to him. Oh, and he had to love kids. Extremely important to me. I found him at the tender age of 20. Been together 50.🥰 

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Agree with all of the traits mentioned. I would add- someone with similar values to mine.
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I was having a discussion the other day with a man. He claimed that women were not as shallow as men because they were not as interested in looks. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Integrity, grounded in an unshakable belief system.


For me, everything important stems from that. 


Additionally, optimism (a trait I'm sorely lacking), a lively sense of the absurd,  courage to face whatever comes our way.   

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At my current age, mobile and in good health.

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Those you listed are mine too.

Kind is no 1.

Great sense of humor;someone I can laugh withSmiley Happy

Compassionate, caring and thoughtful, empathetic.

Loves all animals and wildlife and nature and cares about it.

Especially loves dogs.Woman Very Happy

And yes has the the same values as me. And loves me very much. And wonderful chemistry together!HeartHeart


Sometimes someone having these things would make me love him but sometimes even with all these things, if there isn't that certain chemistry it just doesn't click.


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"