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Registered: ‎03-05-2011

@spiderw wrote:

I have never had any desire to be on Facebook.  A few friends tried to talk me into joining but I didn't and I have absolutely no regrets.  Long before the whistleblower I had bad feelings about the leadership and over the years he has only reinforced those feelings.  He needs to be held accountable and clean up his act. Greed .


For all those who go on Facebook to connect with family and friends, I do not include you in my opinion of Facebook.  Unfortunately when you have these types of media, it attracts negative and bad people and situations.  Everything seems to have a downside.

@spiderw   You are right.  I can tell you this, No one should go there that don't know how to set their settings.    

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,781
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Seriously, who needs FaceBook?


No one. period.


Everyone survived without it, need to keep in touch, call or e-mail.  


I would just bet that if the Q took themselves off of FB, no one would care nor would their sales decrease.


Can you imagine all the money they would save by not spending that ridiculous price of advertising.