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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

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@Witchy Woman 


hmmm, watching elephants - don't you have a large woodland area large enough for a guest or 2?

I heard they are very good at chasing foxes...just saying...


you can run one of those specialty B&B - they have one with giraffes I believe

the elephant can go from window to window shaking hand to trunk


it can cool guests off with a cool shower...oh the possibilities

Shower with an Elephant - perfect temp each time with a gentle spray


Maryland - we ain't just crabs

TShirts - the merchandising


@MyShadowLove you would vacation with an elephant and you don't have to travel out of the states....



too many kitties to account for - I won't even ask which ones are going home

I probably won't know their names but I'm glad they found their furever home

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@Yahooey @Marp2 @Witchy Woman @MyShadowLove  and all,


It is Nelia's 3 kittens who are being adopted.  Can't remember their names.  Each separately and each to a home with other cat/cats/animals.  It looks like they are going to be very happy kitties in heir new homes!


I too miss Clem's posts.  Heart


I'm trying to decompress from jury duty.  The 2 day trial and 14 hours in one day took a toll on me.  Especially when we found out some things when the defendant took the stand. 


It addresses a serious problem that all deal with.  Homelessness and mental illness.  He had 4 charges and we had to consider each one separately and each one had pages of definitions, with various instructions. It got detailed to say the least and not all jurors seemed to comprehend the requirements. Some also didn't keep in mind the person is innocent until proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty. 3 of them were under the age of 21.  Some just seemed to go along with the majority.


When I was still in the medical profession, I had to get continuing education credits.  One time we watched a kind of documentary on a homeless man, who was mentally ill. (Not all homeless are mentally ill, but they figure about one third are)  Found out that about 35 yrs ago it was made a law (trying to keep this non political) that the mental institutions should let these people out into society where they could mingle with "normal" people and theoretically have a better life. 


Turns out they had no where to go, nor the means to set up housekeeping any place.  Families were often far away or didn't want them living with them.  Hence we have had a growing problem since then.  Our city happens to have a serious issue with it.


Anyway, this defendandt was homeless and had some sort of mental illness.  It was obvious even before he got on the stand.  His behavior was socially unacceptable in a library and he ended up being charged with 4 different counts.  I learned that's where a lot of the homeless in our city go during the daytime hours.  It is their home away from the shelter.  It get's extremely cold here in the winter with below zero temps. There's a lot more to it, but I just was sad over this whole situation and some of the jurors attitude toward him.  


I'll get over it after while, but right now it is bothering me.  I'm too sensitive.  


@MyShadowLove- you and I need a publisher for our books, LOL!!! 

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

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Oh goodness, I would be a a complete wreck having gone what you went through.


In DC, we had St. Elizabeth's Hospital, which was a "mental institution" and housed many of those like you are referring to.  My sister in law worked there for many years in the procurement area.  She really liked it, but didn't have much contact with patients.  As you know John Hinkley was housed there.


Yes, at some point, it was deemed we should not have such places, and out they went onto DC streets.


In the winter, they would build tents over the steam grates, and/or house under the edges of the office buildings where there were bushes.  Around the building I worked in, they tore out all the bushes to keep this from happening.  They closed off the steam grate.  


It is not a solution.  Honestly, like you, I simply cannot absorb this sort of thing without getting terribly upset.  I live out in a rural area, so don't see much of this, but we DO have homeless that camp in the wooded areas or live under trees.  I see them moving about on the busy roads.


There has GOT to be a better way.  Seems it was under President Reagan this happened.  St. Elizabeth's is no more. Homeland Security took over much of that area in SE DC and they are completely changing the profile of that formerly very bad area.  It is still in transition.


My husband did some brick work on the buiding MANY years back before it was taken over, and he said he was in the lower levels and saw a huge grandfather clock with "St. Elizabeth Hospital, home for the insane" written on the face.  


Anyway, didn't mean to ramble, but I am always fearful of jury duty and have been fortunate.  I cannot imagine having to sit through such an ordeal.


I know ignoring it does not help, but I feel I worry about enough already, I just don't have enough room for much more.


It is a beautiful day and I'm off to do a few things outside.


Wishing you all a happy and relaxing weekend!

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams


@Yahooey ...Cat LOL..LOL..You funny girl!.. Cat LOL


Actually, in reading your post, a very sweet poster who shared on this thread when it first started came to mind...betteb...and, if I recall correctly, I think it was her who had mentioned a B&B that she loved going to that had an animal farm that spanned around the entire area of the B&B...I think it was located somewhere in the midwest and she especially loved the giraffes.


A Safari B&B! Cat Happy



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

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@HerRoyaLioness ...You certainly had a very interesting two days to put it mildly!...I can only imagine what a stressful and emotional experience it must have been for you!...Most of us have heard and seen how jurors can be affected very much by their experience of serving on a jury, but to actually experience the role of being a juror oneself and, depending on the type of case itself, I'm sure that some end up with symptoms of PTSD...I hope that you are having a restful weekend!


I came very close to serving on a Federal case....FBI vs. a Corporate CEO...Just being summoned and having to report and go through the process, along with approximately 150 other potentional jurors, was stressful enough...I ended up in the last pool of 30 potential jurors...On that day, we were informed by a court clerk that, when our assigned # was called, we were to go with her and then we were to leave and not have any contact with the other potential jurors whatsoever....So, one by one, each of us was called...We had no idea beforehand where we would be going.


Finally, my number was called...I followed the court clerk and she opened a door and I found myself being led into a huge, beautiful,  impressive and dignified courtroom and told to sit in the witness chair, alongside a very dignified and impressive Federal Judge....Two FBI Attorneys were standing at their table and the Defense Attorney at his table, along with the Defendant...His wife and two adult daughters were sitting behind him.


The entire atmosphere suddenly overwhelmed me with the realization of the huge responsibility that I could find myself faced with if I ended up as one of the 13 jurors...It was a feeling that I can't even find the words to describe.


I don't know how I got through those next 15 or 20 minutes of questons from the attorneys on both sides regarding some of my answers on the questionnaire that I had filled out in the very beginning of this process, as well as some personal questions also.


I did find myself wanting the opportunity to experience being a juror. so I was disappointed that I wasn't one of the chosen among the final 30....Most of the others who weren't chosen were very much relieved.


What was I thinking, silly me, I would have been a wreck also!



 Cat LOL And, yes, I really don't think we should hesitate any longer in contacting a publisher!...A book filled with all of our short stories here on the TK thread should make for such diversified and fascinating reading!!! LOL Cat LOL





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@Witchy Woman @MyShadowLove  - yes, it was under president Reagen that the mental institutions became a thing of the past.  One of the results was that the number of homeless greatly increased.  

@MyShadowLove-  it sounds like you were on a bigger case than I was.  We must have had about 25 or so for the jury initially and had it narrowed down after the Judges and attorney's questions to us.


There is no doubt, in my mind anyway, that these people shouldn't be made to try and live their lives without supervision or direction.  They just arn't capable of it.  And their behavior is unacceptable at times in public places.


It was sad to have to be part of a trial of a mentally ill person.  So, we end up making them criminals and send them to jail.  Not a good solution.  When I looked up this defendant, after the trail, he had attended 2 prestigious universities.  He seemed intelligent, he is in his mid 50's.  Just out of touch with some realities.  Loved music, even said he composed some (Russian) music.  He was very proud of being an American citizen.  And very angry he was being charged with these 4 things.


And so it goes, we can't solve some of these problems, I leave that to a power higher than me.  But it does bother me while it is still going on.


Thanks for listening again!

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams


@HerRoyaLioness @Witchy Woman @Yahooey @Marp ...


On the subject of homelessness, I remember just within the past year when Shelly & Dr. F. pitched a tent and spent a night out on the streets to bring awareness to the homeless...It was part of a fundraiser.


I'm also reminded of when Shelly & others at TK were trying to help a homeless person who happened to have a mama cat with very young kittens...They managed to gain the person's confidence enough where the kittens were released in their care but, if I remember correctly, it took them a while to rescue the mama...I don't recall the name that was given to this family?



As a reminder, Shelly will be on her way to the Cat Conference in California this weekend...She is planning on releasing Nelia & Serenity back to the HF sometime this week. Heart



5:28 PMkelgarumo...Our very own Shelly Roche will be speaking at CatCon Worldwide this weekend in Los Angeles!



Also, I recall a CatCon interview that Shelly did a few months ago where she described herself as a "huge socially awkward introvert"...I will post the link of the entire interview for those interested...She will be one of the main speakers at the Conference!


Go Get 'Em, Shelly...our Hero and voice for the helpless who can't speak for themselves! Heart



Conjuring Compassion with Shelly Roche of TinyKittens - CatCon 2019

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

I remember how they had to gain the homeless person’s trust before he could be sure they were going to care of them and not euthanize them!  I don’t remember the names either, but I don’t know if we saw much of them at first.  TK was so good about that situation. 


I dont remember Dr F and Shelly out on the streets for the fundraiser but my memory is almost non existent sometimes. Good for them though. My knowledge of the homeless and their issues has certainly been heightened. 


Sometimes I don’t know if Shelly realizes how important she is to this cause. She has certainly successfully fought through any insecurities she has to make this issue known and to help solve it. 


Thanks for the links. Wish I lived closer to LA!

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

There is a great homeless problem in NYC and growing across the country. When I was very young, you would see mainly older men sleeping it off. Now you see all walks, young people, men and women. I don't know how many of these are scams. Someone is always holding a sign where they need bus money home. Men of a few years ago are afflicted with AIDS, now they are veterans with PTSD and the women's stories are one of abuse and have kids.


I admit I have become immune to the constant barage of begging. The true homeless are laying on the streets and filthy. The ones begging are talking on a smart phone and using the public towers to recharge their phones. 


I once saw a woman speak as she was deaf (pronunciation wasn't clear) on a train. A man was muttering under his breath that she is faking. After a while of his constant mutterings, she turned and started fighting with him in PERFECT english. She got off the train to start fresh again with her scam. 


I don't have any anwers ....

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

After tinysuitcaes - Shelly was talking in general and yes, she plans on returning Nelia and Serenity to HF before catcom. She mentions how she hates public speaking. Most are familiar with her and find her to be delightful and not a run of the mill purrfect talking head.


Her stories are inspiring and speak for themselves and she is darn funny without realizing it. A chatter said she told her vet her cat had snot rockets and the vet just stared at her.


Shelly is ultimate mama cat protecting her young. Paw of nope will stop the naysayers in their tracks.