This won't provide comfort to anyone, but beyond the valid concerns already expressed in this thread I'll add a few more.
The link to check to see if our account was impacted is operated by a 3rd-party site.
It tells us little or nothing and it simply tries to direct us to enroll with TrustedID -- a company owned by Equifax, the very business that permitted the problem to happen and did not inform the public immediately.
The TrustedID Premier terms of use appear to contain an agreement to waive rights to participate in a class action suit against Equifax. So, if you choose to enroll please review the terms of use very carefully first.
If all this isn't sketchy enough, the 3rd-party "special website" Equifax wants us to use to see if our personal info has been impacted has a certificate that appears not to be completely secure.
This hack is a significant problem -- approximately 44 percent of the population in the U.S. has been affected. And it appears to have been, and is being, managed poorly to say the least. This is alarming.
Please. Be very, very careful before following the path Equifax is asking us to use. (eta: @momtochloe)
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