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How is everyone doing with their electric bills these days.  Mine have gone up about $50.00 per month.  Ugh.  The useage is not heavy.

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@Snoopp wrote:

How is everyone doing with their electric bills these days.  Mine have gone up about $50.00 per month.  Ugh.  The useage is not heavy.

Gee I wonder what it will be like as more people buy electric cars and we continue to destroy our fossil fuel capability to actually provide said electricity.


Speaking of electric cars - can you imagine what evacuating prior to Ian would have been like if everyone - or even most of them had electric cars?


Oh wait - if everyone gets an electric car, there won't be any more hurricanes.  Right.

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@Snoopp    Same....going up, and up, and up. etc.

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Re: Electric bill going up

[ Edited ]

Up up and away - as the song goes.  But not in my beautiful balloon.  Smiley Happy


Actually, I have an electric supply contract and my rate is locked in through 2023.  It was good timing as I locked-in before everything started to rise.


Electric cars are still good but hybrids are a better choice for now.

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@Snoopp   My most recent monthly bill was up just about $5.   That's not due to increased fees -  just to higher than normal usage.  That extra usage came from the A/C running more often even though I have not changed the thermostat!  


Power is definitely expensive, but today I have to say I love that FPL didn't have to schedule repairs for our area.  I'll be happy to pay my next bill -  it could even be a bit down. 


This morning was in the low 60's when the previous days and months have been in the low to mid 80's.  It feels as if I've gone on a trip to another climate without ever having to pack!

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My most recent (for Sept.)was around $40.00. The highest this year so far was in either July or Aug. when the AC was running.Will be waiting to get the first bill ( nat. gas) when turning on the heat.

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We just shut off our AC last week, we live in GA.  Our last bill was about $100 more.  Just saw on the news to expect our cost to be 17% higher than last year.

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Our total electric bill from the middle of June to the middle of September, with the A/C running 24/7 was $150.

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We pay the same every month because we are on the budget plan. So far no increases but I'm sure they are coming.

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@Snoopp @My last bill was 273.00. My daughters was 350.00. We live in CA. I am by myself and have a small house. My hot water is propane and my last fill was 6.65 per gallon. Can't afford solar but I wish I could.