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I live in the freezing Northeast & counting the days until it gets warmer.  I read the posts here of lucky people who live in a more temperate climate.  My husband & I talk from time to time about moving somewhere warmer when we retire. However we are sandwiched between elderly parents who need care & our beautiful grandchildren who I do not want to be far from geographically.  I know I'm not unique for sure so perhaps those of you who live in beautiful warm places can send some warm sunshine wishes up north!

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Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather


I live in New Jersey and it's cold here again today, 12 degrees, but, yesterday was 9 degrees, so a little better??

I am sending you


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather

@meallen616  What a kind post!!!  Thank you so much!!!  It definitely brightens my morning.Woman Very Happy

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Registered: ‎01-22-2016

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather



Sending you warm thoughts. 🌅💞




Love! Your meme!! 🌞💞

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Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather

@nova  I really understand.  I worked in NYC but now live in an almost seasonless climate.  I loved spring and fall in NY, especially on trips to upstate you get to experience those times of the year.  However, the winters were brutal. Perhaps, in time you will be able to retire to a warmer climate and your family will be able to visit you,  In the meantime, you get to experience the joys of having family close and the abilty to care for your parents.  Sending wishes for many sunny days in your future.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather

@phoenixbrd @Sweet_Serenity @meallen616  Your good wishes have definitely made things a lot warmer around here.  Thank you again!!

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Registered: ‎01-22-2016

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather



Florida chilly coat, hat, scarf, and gloves walking the dogs early mornings. 


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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather


@nova wrote:

@phoenixbrd @Sweet_Serenity @meallen616  Your good wishes have definitely made things a lot warmer around here.  Thank you again!!

@nova, My DH and I have been retired for 8 years now.  Despite some snowy and cold weather, we manage.  We don’t have to leave our home for jobs and we’ve learned to use home time as quiet time.  I will add, we have a generator, just in case.  Our two children live in the area, our two GC (11 and almost 6).  They are a huge part of our lives, and we are important to them.  Move away?  Only if we really had to.  I always said our children may someday move away from us, but we will try never to move away from them.  That’s just me, and I respect others find a way to make things work.


That said, we will gladly take some warmer weather!!!

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Registered: ‎09-22-2017

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather



I feel like counting the days to spring, but last spring we had a huge storm

that brought us 12 inches or so.


Best thing to do to pass the time during cold and snowy winter days for me

is to clean the house from top to bottom. I will work on a different room or area

each day I am staying home.The day goes faster and when I sit down in the evening

I am happy that I accomplished alot each day.


Wow, next Friday is the beginning of February. alreadySmiley Wink

Regular Contributor
Posts: 218
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Dreaming of Warm Weather

You might want to try snowbirding.  Come down to Florida for the winter months. Works for most.