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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

I use one. I don't have a smart phone yet. Even when I do get one, I still may use a pocket planner. I guess I find the ways of old easier. I get very frustrated trying to learn this techno stuff. Its not that I am not interested, I just don't find it as simple as I think it should be.

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

Still got my pocket calendar.

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

I use both-a paper calendar and my computer calendar to write down appointments. The computer will give me a reminder just as soon as I check my email, the paper calendar is more visible for long range viewing.

I don't carry a pocket calendar but I probably should. When I'm in an office, making appointments, I have to ask to see a "real" calendar before accepting the appointment. I can mentally visualize my paper calendar in the kitchen and take it from there-

It's frankly too much of a hassle to use the phone calendar. My husband does use his. My nails are too long for my keypad.

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

Yes, its called a cell phone

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

I use my cellphone and it automatically syncs to my laptop calendar too.

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

On 4/19/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:

I use my cellphone and it automatically syncs to my laptop calendar too.

The same for me.

But I still have the bad habit of scribbling dates and phone #s on a scrap of paper and toss it in my bag.

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

On 4/19/2014 Lila Belle said:
On 4/19/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:

I use my cellphone and it automatically syncs to my laptop calendar too.

The same for me.

But I still have the bad habit of scribbling dates and phone #s on a scrap of paper and toss it in my bag.

I'd lose them for sure if I did that Lila! Once in a while though if I'm in a hurry, I'll take picture of someone's business card, or the store info that is posted somewhere. Then when I get home, I bring up the pic to enter the info!

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

I buy a new one every year.

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Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

I print out a month from a monthly calendar .... two copies.

One I keep in my handbag and the other is at my desk by my laptop. No more Daytimers for me .... but I also need to see a ""real"" calendar to see where appointments fall in relation to other things scheduled.

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Registered: ‎07-19-2013

Re: Does anyone still carry a pocket calender?

Pocket calendar for me--I like the overview instead of just a one day view.