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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

I am not easily excited much anymore--boy, that sounds funny--Woman Wink-----I take things at face value and don't expect the best or the worse. I think the one thing that can get my goat, is the stupidity, the crassness and meaness that is rampant now. I have no patience for lack of civility or the brainwashing that is going on. I am not afraid to speak up to defend myself or others either, and will call out someone if things are done wrong. But I am decent and civil about it.


Am having major repair construction done to my house this summer and altho things will be new and modern and current, I know something will change and I will just adapt and move forward. Not going to be crazy about it. Crazy is too much work!!!

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:


I truly agree and believe in the power of positive thinking.  About 2 1/2 yrs ago when I got frustrated with the black cloud that follows us everywhere I started to read many books on visualization, positive energy, gratitude etc.

I listen to a lesson daily on my walk and 2 1/2 years ago I started a gratitude journal.  Every morning and evening I write down all the things I am grateful for and script how I wish for things to unfold with ease.  

Obviously not much has changed - the black cloud remains but at least I try to find a silver lining.  And the cloud has not gotten bigger. ;-)



You are so wise. I’m afraid I sounded a bit Pollyanna-ish in my earlier reply. Your comment, above, is far more nuanced. And I appreciate the reminder to get back to my gratitude journal!

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

@Lilysmom  Sincere condolences. Loosing three siblings in such a short timeframe had to leave a huge void in your life. I'm so sorry for your loss of such special people. 

Thanks for your kind words. Your attitude is contagious, as well. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

@BirkiLady 💕

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

If something good happens, I wait for the other shoe to drop.  So I never get too happy about anything.  That's terrible, but I have to be prepared.

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

@Abrowneyegirl  I have a friend who lost a baby to SIDS. I have heard her make the same  type of statement


She is very overweight( this happened after her baby's death) and always seemed    bit detached ,where enjoyment  was concerned


I don't know if you have spoken to anyone about this, but ,it sounds like you have thought about it.


It might be beneficial to you, just to talk to someone, who is trained in the field of mental  health ,and get an evaluation if it is preying on your mind. You might be able to step out from the shadows, and fully enjoy life again


I am saying this to you, because you have asked, and it is something I wish my friend would have done. I have longed to suggest it to her, but ,I know I don't dare

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

Totally depends on the risk factors for me. It's easy for me to get excited about something with no real risk, but the more risk is involved, the more cautious I am.


I can get excited about a new TV show, movie, person doing amazing things, etc. When I recently got a job offer after being laid off, I only told my family about it after I signed an offer letter and only told most people about it after I started, because you just never know.


I've heard stories from other job seekers who had multiple rounds of panel interviews with a company only to have the manager say they were eliminating the job cancelling the posting due to a hiring freeze or a canceled project.





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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

For me it has to do with more of being of a certain age. I just don't look forward to much any more, it's like been there, done that and don't care to do it again. I did look forward to seeing the new baby in our family, but I wasn't excited about it, happy that I got to see her, but not thrilled or excited. I am looking forward to my son moving back to the area, but not excited. I think this may be part of ageing.

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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

@Jaspersmom  All of my late husband's companies (one or two people involved) were with males.


I've met all of them.  I'm pretty capable in handling things in business and I've had to hire specific lawyers to deal with some of the land deals, etc.  It's all about getting good back-up (you are right) but I don't think it's about male back-up it's just in these cases it was males I ended up hiring.


Women were always very intimidated by my husband.  He was a true Alpha Male, but in a nice way.  He just was very business when business was involved.  I had a good teacher in him.


He taught my youngest daughter all about the stock market when she was just 10 years old.  When she was 12 he bought her GE stock and would question her every Friday about her stock.  He taught her how to change tires, how to change her oil, etc.  He really believed women could do most of what males do but sometimes even better.  There aren't many like him.....unfortunately.



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Re: Do you temper your excitement?

I am past the point of youthful exuberance.  Maturity has developed that instead into a gratitude filled life.  Instead of excitement, I feel deep contentment.  It’s so much better.  
That is not to say life is a bed of roses.  We all know better than that.  When  going through one of ‘those’ spells, I take solace in remembering I’m in God’s hands and that on the other side of the dark clouds, the sun is still shining and the birds are still singing.  
Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.