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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:


The Governors of New York and New Jersey are not going to allow children to go door to door,saying "trick or treat".


The people in both states have worked hard to bring the infection rate down. 

Parents will find fun ways to celebrate Halloween at home. 

@Nuttmeg  How on earth are they going to enforce that?

A parent will not take their young children door to door. Some schools in New Jersey and New York may return to classes in October

If the infection rate climbs, things will be shutdown again. 



And some schools in NY (including NYC) will re-open next week.


My LI grandchildren start next week and their mother, a NYC, school teacher returns next week.  August 31.

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:


The Governors of New York and New Jersey are not going to allow children to go door to door,saying "trick or treat".


The people in both states have worked hard to bring the infection rate down. 

Parents will find fun ways to celebrate Halloween at home. 

@Nuttmeg  How on earth are they going to enforce that?

A parent will not take their young children door to door. Some schools in New Jersey and New York may return to classes in October

If the infection rate climbs, things will be shutdown again. 



And some schools in NY (including NYC) will re-open next week.


My LI grandchildren start next week and their mother, a NYC, school teacher returns next week.  August 31.

@Lucky Charm

Each school district is using a different model for reopening.

The  urban school district where I worked in New Jersey will be online.


My sister lives in upstate NY. Her grand-nieces an nephew will start school remotely.


I feel very fortunate to be in and area where the infection rate is low.

This pandemic has been a challenge for everyone. I hope you family members stay well. 

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

We have several little granddaughters and they are already excited about Halloween. They will dress up in their costumes, make Halloween cookies, and we will go out in the backyard and hide candy. Like an Easter egg hunt..but will be a Halloween hunt. We will also dress up and so will my DD and SIL. Just safer and they are young enough to be satisfied with it. Neighbors who have older kids are planning a backyard camp out with jack o‘ lanterns and s’mores.
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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I have seen candy corn for weeks at my grocery store; was glad to see it even if I don’t ever eat it, as it reminds me that autumn will eventually get here and the triple digit heat will end.
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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I think the concern may be who has handled the candy, etc.
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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I have not handed out candy in over 20+ years. I am the type of person that as soon as I come home from work, I make sure that my porch light is turned off, and the volume on the TV in my living room is very low. Some people do not understand that a porch light turned off is the universal sign that candy will not be given out. 


I have nothing against Halloween, it's just not something that I wish to participate in, nor do I like opening my door to complete strangers to hand out candy. 

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled


Halloween has been in my mind, thinking about young grandkids.  Your idea sounds ideal since the concern is with who touches candy. Thanks for idea!

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I live in an over 55 community and when I first moved in I asked neighbors and they said they've never had any trick or treaters - which is fine for me.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

How do you cancel a date that is on the calendar?

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@chrystaltree wrote:

Yes.  In my state large gatherings, as in more than 10 people, are prohibited.  So, no Halloween parties.  I haven't heard about trick or treating but I'm sure that will be banned this year too.  No parent in their right mind would send their kids door to door this year anyway.  There will be other ways of celebrationg.  

Hi ..I was missing your posts.Happy to see you.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@chickenbutt wrote:

Should be or will be?    I have a feeling it won't be, but maybe it should be.


BTW, I was at the grocery store a week ago and there was already the Halloween table filled with candy.    I cannot remember, in this moment, but was Halloween stuff always in the store in mid-August?  Probably was, I just don't remember and it seemed odd to me.  

@chickenbutt , it's been out in our grocery store since the end of July.