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Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

I'm 68 and didn't until 5 years ago. The absolute worst is not having the energy I used to. I could work 40/50 hrs. a week, clean the house, get groceries, work in the yard til dark on Saturday. Sundays were running errands or traveling 4 hrs. roundtrip to see family.  I was good to go.. Now it takes me twice as long to do half as much. I hate it.

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

@CrazyKittyLvr2: I’ll be 74 next week and I really don’t feel my age. I keep forgetting how old I am. Of course I’ve never been a super energetic person so probably not much to lose there which might be why.

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

No. I'm in the best physical shape and the healthiest I've ever been as an adult. 

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

Yes, I do feel old.  I have a really, really bad back.  Were it not for my back I'd feel pretty good....(key word pretty good).


It's not like I feel like hopping and skipping.  I wish I could do some of the things I used to do.  I get so frustrated because my back pain keeps me from doing them.


That's totally why I get upset when people say, "You don't look 72"!  Well, I sure do feel it.


Some of it's my own fault.  I didn't take care of my body (not putting on weight) like I should have.  Also, not my fault but I have really bad arthritis.


But boo hoo...we all have stuff as we get old(er).  I'd be way, way more active if it wasn't for my back.  There's nothing that could be done for my back so......right now I'm thinking about stem cell.  My Dr is doing testing on stem cell implants.


First I have to straighten out a few things then I'm going to try it.  I don't mind paying for it as insurance doesn't cover it.


Stay tuned.

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

[ Edited ]

I think I started feeling my age when I turned 70 last year in March. And now I'm facing 71 next month! I also don't have the energy I used to have, but I'm okay with that. What I don't like are the physical changes to my legs and upper arms! 



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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

Some days I feel tired and stiff but DH and I both get out everyday to run an errand and eat lunch. Walking too.


Two years ago I was on my hands and knees painting the baseboards in the kitchen and den. I also painted the kitchen cabinets. But now I can’t get on the floor without help.


DH and I are both 65 so I shouldn’t feel this old yet?

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

I'm 76 ... I don't know what that's supposed to feel like.  


I retired at 68.  My lifestyle doesn't require I do anything strenuous or demanding.  



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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

I'm 75 and all systems are go!  I do have a little less energy than I did five years ago.  I do take care of my health with semi annual doctor and dentist visits.

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

FrostyBabe1...please share your healthy secrets with us!

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Re: Do You Physically Feel Your Age?

Fortunately no. I am 63 and got more energy than I know what to do with. In the gym 3 days a week after work. I Run on the  weekends, weather permitting. I have never been overweight but I have been physically active my whole life. I believe a lot of it is genetics. My father is 92 and he swims 3 days a week. He lives alone, still drives, and walks the two miles to the grocery store on a nice day for a few items he may need. My mom lived to be 91 and grandparents and aunts all lived to their late 90s. They were city people...walked everywhere even at advanced age.  That couch is an enemy🙁