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I saw the Berkshire robe presented on the air, while I thought it was nice, I wondered if anyone uses them anymore? I own a robe but never use it. I'm either dressed or in my pjs. When I shower I bring my clothes in with me and get dressed, I have no use for a robe. 

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I have two robes and only really use them if I feel sick which is very rare.

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I put on my robe every morning when I let the dogs out, feed them and eat breakfast.  It's very cold in the house the first hour.  Also sometimes put it on in the evenings.


I must say though, I despise the wrap robes like the Berkshire one they were showing.  They don't stay closed and look terrible on any busty person.  Give me a zipper.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I have a robe, but like you, rarely wear it. The one time I did...and was glad I had it...was when I was in the hospital when the nurse would get me up to walk the corridor.

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I love robes. I just bought a new summer (thinner) robe. I have 4 winter robes, including a barefoot dreams one, that is not my favorite. 

I even have a zip up one - zipper goes from your knees up to top. Very granny - ish and I love it.


I live in Chicago so we spend 6 months cold.

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I love robes. Always had many. I do not buy wrap robes. I find them annoying. I buy snap or button closure robes, which are becoming hard to find.

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I have one to wear during the summer and one to wear during the fall/winter/spring. I wear it every morning after my shower and keep it on until after doing hair and makeup. Mornings have finally gotten chilly.

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I have so many robes! All kinds. I practically live in them. I just bought two more full-length winter robes and I'm in heaven with them. Brand is Pavilia and if you are familiar with the Berkshire Fluffie blankets and throws, that's what the Pavilia robes are made of or something very similar to it. Whatever it is, it is so warm and cozy! Perfect for me in my cool house.

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The Berkshire robes look really cozy, but I haven't used a robe in decades. I put on my PJ's after a shower and if I want to snuggle up on the couch, I use one of my Berkshire throws.


My sleep clothes are now PJ/ lounge sets, not the type worn years ago that were more revealing, or definitely for bed wear that you couldn't answer the doorbell wearing. So back then I would cover up in a robe to be presentable until tucking into bed. But things have changed. Sign of the times...


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I have many robes and wear one everyday, first thing I put on when I get up and they are all so pretty, I wear them until I decide what to wear for the day depending on what I will be doing or where I will be going.  First thing I do in the evening is get undressed and put on my comfy robe.


I have fleece ones for winter and others for spring and summer depending on the season is the robe weight I choose.


I do not like wrap robes, must have a zipper.  I do have some robes with snaps but I prefer the zipper ones.  I now have my winter warm ones out and leave a few in between weights out for days not so chilly.


I now have 8 really warm ones out and 5 for in between days.  My warm weather ones are stored away til late spring.