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No, I meant 6-18........oops

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Re: Do You Have a "Type"?

[ Edited ]

I used to like to date bad boys/musicians when I was younger. Now I just look at them (lol).


My (2nd) husband is my type.


When I started dating again after my first divorce I was looking for someone easy going (not lazy -I'm talking calm, not loud), kindhearted, smart/witty, loves animals, loves music and movies, a non couch potato who doesn't throw his stuff around, is employed, but MOST OF ALL has the same moral values as me! Also they had to have hair and my husband has a full head of gorgeous curly hair (now salt and pepper). Lastly I don't mind if someone has a beer or so on occasion but I cannot stand heavy drinkers. (My husband has an occasionally beer)


So yeah that's my husband I described above! And did I mention hes handsome too? :-)

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Oh yeah - rugged and well built with dark hair! 💋


-Texas Hill Country-
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Strong, silent type

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Do You Have a "Type"?

[ Edited ]

@NAES1 wrote:

@croemer wrote:

@NAES1 wrote:

Hello @Oznell......


   I had seen this topic about 30 minutes ago, so have not had time to read all, just a reminder in knowing I have The One for Me!


    ..Unless someone else is close to me \ w\ same. (?)


1. A man that knows God comes first.

2. I was lucky - here- ::: very handsome.

3. A great sense of humor and can bring the best out of people, too.


4. My friend, then my love of my life.

5. " He broke down the wall to get to me\ marriage"!!!!

6. An extremely intelligent man, along with being unbelievably talented in his vocation.

7. Loves children and pets; has an exceptional respect for the elderly.

8. He is gentle, giving and loves life. Adores his family as his family cherishes him. 


  I don't believe, I did anything so special to have deserved this ( I was told, once), but definitely have been blessed.

Oznell, I have had the BEST and I am keenly aware of this Wonderful best friend, one love, only marriage.



Hi there NAES...good to see you! Hope that love of your life and you are doing well?


@croemer ......Heart~


 My ol'my, "hello dear friend from the past...IS THAT REALLY YOU'?


 I am doing well, and my husband and oh yes,,,,our son are wonderful. 


 I had remembered you 1-18 '17 but did not see you around, so I did miss thatHeart of the only times.


  How is your family? I did get a short glimpse when MAMA was gone ~~ and I know, oh do I know.


 If you are reading, or have not gone to bed, let me know how you, dear friend have been.


I certainly have missed you, but ___never forgotten. And,,,,, the BLAkeeee.S. `` hoopla, his is 6-14..yes, I still have the memory, so far...could GO>>>>>>>>>>>>at any minuteWoman Happy, Ahh, you are such a dear```


     NAES with care, appreciation and concern.



Remembering back 4+ years ago on Thanksgiving. GingerAle and ROMARY. How is your sweet daughter that came that night? 


The bed- The bed with the dip, too?

@NAES1 You are scary, your memory is so GOOD! We are doing well. Happy to hear you are too. Yep another year older and we got a new mattress. I am not that big a fan but DH is one of us is. I like a big puffy bed...he likes a firmer bed.


So happy to have seen you!


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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These responses in this thread are so fun to read-- they are so varied, and make you think.


NAES, you brought up something on your list which you said is exemplified in your husband-- exceptional respect for the elderly.  What a great quality.  I really go for that too.


There's a theme of people mentioning caring for animals which is on my list as well-- it speaks so well of a person...


pqfan, I love that you brought up the word "chivalry".  Somehow, I'm not suprised that's on your list.  I could see you as the lady of the manor that the gallant knight spreads his cloak for (hope you don't mind me characterizing you).


Some of the earthier comments about "required" physical characteristics made me giggle.  You all are so witty!

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No, not a "type", I just observed how they treated their mother and sisters. That told me all I needed to know.

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Think bad boy like Reford as the Sundance Kid. However, even though the bad boy attracts me, I go for the quiet good guy type and married that.