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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

It seems the older I become, the more patience I need but the less I’ve got. If that makes sense!

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

I was a lit fuse to a time bomb when I was younger. 


Have gradutated to a nuke bomb. Patience is not there most of the time. If I am under stress, then I have problems, if I have a good day and am calm, than I don't erupt like a volcano.

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

@LIndaMJ wrote:

It seems the older I become, the more patience I need but the less I’ve got. If that makes sense!


Makes sense to me!  I think a fair amount of my decrease in patience, as I've gotten older, is with myself.   I'm not as smart, my memory is all but gone, and I really get frustrated a lot with the stupid things I sometimes do.  Smiley Frustrated

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

Well, I'm not having a lot of patience today.  For that I am sorry.  But......

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

@ShowMe No apology needed. We all have those days. I'm not proud of my lack pf patience but I'm honest about it. I know what my New Year's resolution should be.

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

@ShowMe wrote:

Well, I'm not having a lot of patience today.  For that I am sorry.  But......


Hope you're ok.   Some days - it's impossible to have patience and I totally get that.   I have days where every single thing, even the most rudimentary task, goes wrong and I run out of patience fast!

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

i have a fair amount of patience most of the time but for a while now I have become completely impatient when I go shopping.  So many shoppers are on their phones not paying attention to where they are going, bumping into everyone, blocking isles, taking pictures of items they may purchase, and talking so loudly.  Did they come to shop or talk on the phone?!  And it's not only shopping, they are talking on the phone while walking and crossing the street. -- dangerous.  What the heck is so important to be constantly talking on the phone?!  Guess I'm showing my age, but this behavior really tries my patience.

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

[ Edited ]


@tobes wrote:

What a ridiculous question regarding patients for which I have none.


@tobes... Forgive me but your answer cracked me up!! Your first 4 words "What a ridiculous question...." I knew you were going to say you didn't have any patience! Lol....



ETA: I don't know why and how these 2 spoiler lines showed up! How do I get rid of them? Anyone??


Another ETA... Ha!! Don't know how to get rid of the "spoiler" lines so I'll just leave them. Next time I will know not to hit that one! 

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In general, yes but, when it comes to telemarketers, the answer is a big NO!  They're driving me nuts.

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Re: Do You Have More Patience The Older You Get

@EastCoastGal wrote:


ETA: I don't know why and how these 2 spoiler lines showed up! How do I get rid of them? Anyone??


Cuz you're clicking on that yellow thing that looks kinda like a smiley emoticon.  It's for spoiler-tagging.  The one you might be missing is two images to the right of it that looks like a colorless smiley.


HTH Smiley Happy