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Re: Did You Have A Nice July 4th ?

Yes! We celebrated Independence Day at the end of our boat vacation. It was perfect! We had 10 days of boating with friends, visited 6 ports, had decent weather and only 3 days of heavy seas. Relaxing and a ton of fun!

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Re: Did You Have A Nice July 4th ?

On 7/5/2014 NoelSeven said:

Wonderful... until about 9 at night when the thoughtless people started in with high-grade fireworks.

Everything is dry in the Bay Area, including people's yards. It went on until 2am, which seems to be the unwritten rule for time allowed by the thoughtless. The 10 month old kitty, usually a brave little soul, crumpled and was really afraid.

Other than that, we had a nice time and a lot of healthy salads, LOL.

I am in Westchester County NY, small little town, bad weather Thursday night and Friday afternoon, we could hear fireworks going off around and most were done by 11 PM< thank goodness for small town noise ordinances

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Re: Did You Have A Nice July 4th ?

It was wonderful. The weather was great and we made homemade ice cream with fresh strawberries. Our neighborhood had a children's bike/trike/wagon parade and it was really a special moment.

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Re: Did You Have A Nice July 4th ?

We had a destination wedding in Bermuda, so we almost forgot it was the 4th.

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Re: Did You Have A Nice July 4th ?

We were affected by the hurricane, torrential rains and severe winds for most of Friday. There was no celebrating. Some towns did fireworks on Thurs evening, some on Saturday. Our town just cancelled the fireworks. But none of that stopped our weirdo neighbors who have been setting off firecrackers and fireworks all weekend, into the wee hours of the morning. It happens every 4th, they have two college age sons who are the culprits. Jerks. No one complains because if we did, that only be giving them the attention they so desperately want. Plus they'd probably do it all summer just to aggravate everyone. We went out for lobster with friends yesterday, we were supposed to do it on the 4th.

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Re: Did You Have A Nice July 4th ?

I was away working. Didn't mind too much as the holiday pay is nice. I've got quite a few days off this week to enjoy.