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Diagnosed with skin cancer

[ Edited ]

I was diagnosed with skin cancer last week, (a week after being told I was breast cancer free for 9 years) I am upset but hiding being upset from family. 


I am typing this to help others. Please please use sun screen, the sun is not a friend to your skin.


You see, I asked how i got this and was told, all the years of exposure to sun and burning bad years back when younger at the beach and pool in the pre sun screen product days!. (I am a very pale redhead).


Whats ironic is, I haven't been to the beach or pool since my kids are young and i do NOT sun bathe. In fact I am home most days inside with my bad back unless we go out to a movie, to eat, or to my Dr appts. in and out of the car. So this is from all the damage to my skin years ago!


Anyway, I had what i thought was a cyst on my face for weeks. It was filled with clear liquid pus and blood then my face got infected and I saw my Dr who sent me to dermatology. They took a biopsy and its skin cancer.


I then got the top above the skin (what they call shaved off) and now that's at a lab for measurements to see how much has to be cut out, and more testing.


Then they will set up surgery to get the rest underneath the skin. (I must also have my entire body checked too from now on and yearly and they said everyone should have body checks, i did not know this until now!).


I am praying its not too big or I will be disfigured (yes vanity has hit me during this being its on my face). Ive been wearing a band aide on my face for weeks because i got sick of people asking whats wrong on my face,


Lastly it is treatable but I am still concerned having had breast cancer before and now this. 


PS I haven't been on Q boards much lately as I had taken up a hobby of painting and am reading books in trying to keep my mind busy for the past months. But I wanted to come on and say, I hope you will all use sunscreen. I don't want anyone to go through this. I really am shocked being im not a sun tanning girl. I cant believe my past of having fun at the beach and pool has come back to haunt me. Take care of your skin everyone..





And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

@Shorty2U  Think positive.  Now there is skin cancer and there is a skin cancer that is very concerning and hopefully yours is curable and not the bad cancer.  I just don't remember the name of it.  It's good that you read and keep your mind on happy things.  Take care.  Enjoy your holidays. Cat Happy

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Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

@Katcat1 wrote:

@Shorty2U  Think positive.  Now there is skin cancer and there is a skin cancer that is very concerning and hopefully yours is curable and not the bad cancer.  I just don't remember the name of it.  It's good that you read and keep your mind on happy things.  Take care.  Enjoy your holidays. Cat Happy


Thank you. i am trying to be positive. I know thats important, youre right. It is treatable. The name of the cancer is long. I cant pronounce it and I should have written it down. I will write it down when they call to set up surgery. (the holiday weekend has delayed the lab testing they sent out so I hope I hear by the end of the week, because I am hoping to get this over with (the surgery) before Christmas if possible)


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

I had squamous cell carcinoma about 2 inches below my wrist bone. The dermatologist burned it off. She said it will form a scab and come off.  I was nervous but everything is ok. I just need to put Vaseline and a small bandit after I shower.  It is a very small spot. I showed it to my Primary Care Physician and she referred me to the dermatologist.  I will need to be more careful.

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Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer



I hope and pray that you will be fine after the surgery. 


You were very kind to alert others to this during your time of challenge.


All the best to you! 

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Registered: ‎02-22-2015

Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

@Shorty2U  Congratulations on your 9-year mark from Breast Cancer!  

Hopefully, you have caught the skin cancer quickly. I also found some spots on my face, ear and a place in my hair late last summer. During a regular visit with my PCP, he told me it was probably skin cancer (he doesn't sugar coat anything with me). He made an appointment with my Demotologist, but it was a couple of months.


Like you, I haven't been in the sun since my teens. However, my mom had a history of skin cancers until her death in July 2017. My dad died of a cancer. I was concerned, but not frightened.

My Dermotologist removed all spots and checked my entire body thoroughly. Like you, I didn't know we were supposed to have that done. (I'm 70.) I returned for a check-up and everything had healed well. Give me health and I'll gladly take a few scars! I have another appointment next summer for my full-body check-up.


Best wishes on a return to health. In the meantime, try not to worry; it doesn't do any good. Warm hugs.  

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Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

@Shorty2U.  I had a facial cancer that sounds like what you have.  It was my dentist who said it looked suspicious and directed me to a dermatologist.   It was alongside the base of the side of my nose.  The incision went from the corner of my eye to my nostril.  Now, 2 1/2 years later the scar has faded and can only barely be seen; not seen at all with make-up.  She said she was giving me a mini facelift, and that side of my face looks better than the other.


I never used sunscreen if I was just going to be in the car.  I was told that you are exposed in the car just as you would be outside in the open.  I wouldn't be surprised if the glass didn't intensify the sun's rays.


I'm also very fair, always burned easily and I live at an altitude of about 6,000 ft, at which the sun is more dangerous than at sea level.  My dad, a golfer, had a melanoma removed.  I was never a sun lover.

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Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

Thank you for the warning, Shorty2U. And thank you for posting your experiences and worries. I hope and pray it's not a bad form of skin cancer, and it's something that can be easily treated. 


Many people do not take skin cancer seriously. Or seriously enough. I know several who've developed cancers in their later years from mild burns they had as kids. Everyone needs to get checked yearly, be vigilant, and above all slather on the sunscreen. 


Hoping the best for you!!  HeartWoman Happy

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

@Shorty2U I am so sorry this happened to you.  Skin cancer is pretty common.  My mother had skin cancer on her arm that needed to be removed and she was never a sun worshiper.


My friend's husband went to a dermatologist to have a lesion on his cheek checked out. It was fine, but he was also given a full body skin check and cancer was found between two of his toes.  He has never gone barefoot or worn sandals.  That area on his body was probably never exposed to the sun.


Don't beat yourself up by thinking you might have caused this cancer by not taking care of yourself.  Sometimes things just happen. 


Thank you for warning others to wear to wear sunscreen or to cover up in the sun. It doesn't hurt to be proactive.


i am very fair like you and have been blistered and  burned badly in the sun many times when I was younger.  I now wear long sleeves in the summer and will not sit in the sun.  I get teased a lot about it, but I don't care.  My skin will burn in about five minutes of sun exposure.  I worry about getting skin cancer due to my history.


Please take care and if you don't mind, I'll say a prayer for your speedy recovery with minimal scaring.



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Posts: 5,737
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Diagnosed with skin cancer

@Shorty2U wrote:

I was diagnosed with skin cancer last week, (a week after being told I was breast cancer free for 9 years) I am upset but hiding being upset from family. 


I am typing this to help others. Please please use sun screen, the sun is not a friend to your skin.


You see, I asked how i got this and was told, all the years of exposure to sun and burning bad years back when younger at the beach and pool in the pre sun screen product days!. (I am a very pale redhead).


Whats ironic is, I haven't been to the beach or pool since my kids are young and i do NOT sun bathe. In fact I am home most days inside with my bad back unless we go out to a movie, to eat, or to my Dr appts. in and out of the car. So this is from all the damage to my skin years ago!


Anyway, I had what i thought was a cyst on my face for weeks. It was filled with clear liquid pus and blood then my face got infected and I saw my Dr who sent me to dermatology. They took a biopsy and its skin cancer.


I then got the top above the skin (what they call shaved off) and now that's at a lab for measurements to see how much has to be cut out, and more testing.


Then they will set up surgery to get the rest underneath the skin. (I must also have my entire body checked too from now on and yearly and they said everyone should have body checks, i did not know this until now!).


I am praying its not too big or I will be disfigured (yes vanity has hit me during this being its on my face). Ive been wearing a band aide on my face for weeks because i got sick of people asking whats wrong on my face,


Lastly it is treatable but I am still concerned having had breast cancer before and now this. 


PS I haven't been on Q boards much lately as I had taken up a hobby of painting and am reading books in trying to keep my mind busy for the past months. But I wanted to come on and say, I hope you will all use sunscreen. I don't want anyone to go through this. I really am shocked being im not a sun tanning girl. I cant believe my past of having fun at the beach and pool has come back to haunt me. Take care of your skin everyone..



I had it in June.  It is not melanoma.  It was taken out and Ok.  I always use Sunscreen #50 and got it on the side of my face from driving.  I also have tinted windows.  My was no big deal. I don,t go to the beach or sunbathe, just walk the dog. 



