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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

[ Edited ]

The photos of the deer and Willow are worth their weight in gold!  I cannot tell you how good they are for the soul.  


I grinned and grinned some more as I looked at the deer, and then, when I saw Willow playing hide and seek or whatever, I burst out laughing.


Thank you, MamaWick, for giving the days a little bit of grace, charm and joy. 

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

No, no...not a bullet hole.  Just her fur scruffed up making it look like that.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

I look forward to these pictures everyday, They make  me so happy.  beautiful creatures...  love your sweet 4 legged furry creature.


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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

Oh dear I hope not... 

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

We are in the path of the ice-maybe, The weather guys keep waffling and changing the forecast for us here.  At any rate, we put out our ":deer apples" tonight.  I hope our furry friends can get to them. 

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

Yes for sure, I hope they hunker down somewhere with what we're going to get!  Be safe up there and let's hope we keep our power!


Also, precious Willow will need a little coat when she has to go outside!  If it snows there, will be interesting to know how she reacts!  Hugs and love to her!!  Heart

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

Thank you @MamaWick.

I was hoping it was just roughed up furSmiley Happy

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

[ Edited ]

There's that handsome guy!

All of the deer look like they're so relaxed and enjoying their time!


We used pieces of plexi glass pushed up against whatever.  The space behind end tables had tissue boxes closing the opening.


I also barricade Christmas presents I've worked on.  Gates for trees can be found online.  I'm not past that, let me tell you!


Bless our little girl.  Her teeth hurt!

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Posts: 3,601
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: DEER Wednesday 02/02/2022

@MamaWick   Yes, your herd know where to come and get nutrition before the storms.  Nom nom and stay safe dear deer. We will send good thoughts that you and all the Wicks do well.  🦌🥕🥕


Woofs and hugs to mischievous adorable Miss Willow White, the explorer. 🤩🥰  No doubt she wants to get a taste of everything!   I applaud your "McGiver" fix.  😃


Woofs and love to sweet Cricket in heaven. 💕🌈



“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet