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Re: Cursive Again

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@motherinlaw wrote:

Every legal document requires a cursive. Are we going back to the days when an "X" will do?  This is not progress.

You're not required to sign in cursive. You sign in whatever way you write your name. You can print your name for your signiture. I'm amazed at the stuff people come up with that isn't true. 

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I have cook books that formerly belonged to my mother and grandmother. When I see written notations in the margins the writing is instantly recognizable and so part of each of them that it takes me back to their kitchens, reminds me of happy times spent there.


Printing is generic, could have been put there by anyone.

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@Mellie32 wrote:

@motherinlaw wrote:

Every legal document requires a cursive. Are we going back to the days when an "X" will do?  This is not progress.

Nope.  Signatures do not have to be in cursive. 


I can actually "sign" a document when necessary on my computer, using the mouse.

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Keyboarding is an easy skill - in fact everyone would learn it in "old days" for 40 minutes in  20  week period.  Obviously some are not is minding the children in their classroom but putting them in front of a program and going to play on the internet.

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@Marianne1 wrote:

Cursive is not the only way to physically write.


Printing by hand still works.


Evolution.  Only one way to stop it.

Yes, from the posts here it seems some people don't understand that there are two forms of writing english, print and cursive. Now what does that say about education?

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Re: Cursive Again

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@alliswell wrote:


@Mellie32 wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

Keyboarding skills are easily learned but won't mean what a hand written thank you note will. Although, it may provide future jobs for translators.



No, keyboarding skills aren't easily learned.  It takes daily practice for a long period of time.  


There will be no need of translators because my generation and younger rarely ever write in cursive anyway.  The older generation's customs are becoming happens every generation. When my generation is 60+, we'll probably be complaining that no one emails anymore.  Smiley Happy 



By "keyboarding skills," do you mean "typing" along with moving around comfortably on a keyboard?  


@Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think @occasionalrain meant, kind of an "interpreter" for people who were not familiar with cursive.  


Keyboarding skills as in learning how to type correctly for the littles (first, second grade), using a mouse, learning how to capitalize, indent, center your title, etc.  Also kids need to be taught how to navigate the internet so that they won't cause a virus on the computer by clicking on things they shouldn't.


I knew what occrain meant.  

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@hopi wrote:

It's the  1%  like Bill Gates who get to dictate curriculum - he wants everybody to have to use a keyboard.  It makes Bill wealthier.  He wants to run the world and keep everyone else needing his merchandise.  


Not being able to write is the dumbing of America and it being done on purpose.

Windows is not the only computer operating system. 

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@occasionalrain wrote:

I have cook books that formerly belonged to my mother and grandmother. When I see written notations in the margins the writing is instantly recognizable and so part of each of them that it takes me back to their kitchens, reminds me of happy times spent there.


Printing is generic, could have been put there by anyone.

That's acutally not true, even print writing shows variations by the writer. 

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@jaxs mom wrote:

@hopi wrote:

It's the  1%  like Bill Gates who get to dictate curriculum - he wants everybody to have to use a keyboard.  It makes Bill wealthier.  He wants to run the world and keep everyone else needing his merchandise.  


Not being able to write is the dumbing of America and it being done on purpose.

Windows is not the only computer operating system. 

Bill Gates and his wife dictate curriculum..... follow and read about what goes on in education.

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@hopi wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@hopi wrote:

It's the  1%  like Bill Gates who get to dictate curriculum - he wants everybody to have to use a keyboard.  It makes Bill wealthier.  He wants to run the world and keep everyone else needing his merchandise.  


Not being able to write is the dumbing of America and it being done on purpose.

Windows is not the only computer operating system. 

Bill Gates and his wife dictate curriculum..... follow and read about what goes on in education.

I was addressing the part of the post where you claimed that his desire to make people use keyboards makes him wealthier. 

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