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What is up with coffee creamer?


My local Sam's Club has been out of it for a month now.  Yesterday I bought the last 2 our grocery store had that were not organic.  The organic coffee creamer, which I used to buy in the past, is now over $7.00 for a quart!    

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@CelticCrafter wrote:

We were in Costco Wednesday and all they had was Scott toilet paper.


We passed on it.




Not that I need TP but I would have passed as well. I grew up on that toilet paper and hated it.


I have never purchased as an adult. :-)

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@Duckncover wrote:

The paper feels different also. I have to ruin several sheets to get the roll open. It shreds easily. Quality going down, but a plumber who was here last week said if they didn't sell Charmin, he wouldn't have a job. Says it's terrible for the pipes due to how thick it is...he recommends Kirkland because it's thin and dissolves quickly. 


No exaggeration. I will not purchase Charmin because it's too thick. It has always felt weird to me. :-)

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Re: Costco and TP

[ Edited ]

I was in Costco today. Limit 1 for pkgs of fresh beef, tp, and paper towels. They had very little tp or paper towels left; none stacked up high like they normally do, and limit 2 for diapers. I bought one of the last four pkgs of ground beef. They usually put more out so the meat case looks full, but I passed by it several minutes later and the ground beef shelf was empty. I wanted to get a sweater I had seen as I came into the store, and my size was gone by the time I went back to get it. It was like a feeding frenzy in there today, and I usually go on Wed mid-afternoon when there are usually very few customers. Even though it's a couple of bucks extra, I will shop on their website more. Great, fast shipping and no searching through stacks of clothing to find your size. 

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@Lipstickdiva wrote:

What is up with coffee creamer?


My local Sam's Club has been out of it for a month now.  Yesterday I bought the last 2 our grocery store had that were not organic.  The organic coffee creamer, which I used to buy in the past, is now over $7.00 for a quart!    

Oh no, not that too!  Mine was out the last time but I didn't think too much about it! Is nothing sacred anymore?!

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The Kirkland brand used to be thick and soft; now it is thin and rough and I hate it, but it's all I could find when I was at Costco. It also has fewer sheets per roll now. Someone else said Charmin has also made its rolls smaller.  I had a plumber here last week and he said if they ever stop selling Charmin, he will be out of a job. He said it clogs up more plumbing than anything else he has seen....and he uses Kirkland in his own home. I am guesshe that at some point, even Charmin will be less thick and soft. 

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@mousiegirl   Great, and thank you mousiegirl.  I will break it open at some point!  😁

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@Phantom41 wrote:

I managed to score some TP at Costco today and kinda thought it looked smaller than before.  We had an old bundle in the basement and the old one was 425 sheets per roll compared to the 380 on the new bundle.  Same price of course! I must be getting old, I'm now comparing sheets on toilet paper.  This is what last year has done to me!

@Phantom41 I think it is great you are doing that.  


You are ahead of the rest of us and inflation is going unchecked.  We'll all be doing that down the road.