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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

Lots of long-term social groups in Among Friends, like meeting for breakfast, lunch & dinner to chat with besties. Prayer requests, religious discussions. Support groups.


It's been my experience over time that the posters who prefer, and mostly reside in Among Friends tend to be those who believe everyone should be kind and supportive to everyone else, always. If/when they venture into discussions in Community Chat, they are often surprised, shocked, hurt, offended, angered, etc. that people disagree, have strong opinions, and in general "aren't nice" to all other posters all the time. They generally wish that the entire forum with all its subdivisions was just like the supportive peacefulness of Among Friends.

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

"Among Friends" is exactly as the title implies -- posting as if you were among friends, where opinions are more tempered and more tolerance is shown (or should be).  As a result, generally, more topics of a personal nature would be seen there.

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

It's going to depend on the subject.  I think Among Friends is more friendly. light-hearted (not always), doesn't want to be controversial.    If I wanted to discuss politics, what's going on in the world, news, etc. I'd do it on the Community Forum.

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

I find when I post under a specific product forum verses "Chat" or "Among Friends" not as many people reply!  But I do feel "Among Friends" is for more sensitive subjects!  Woman Happy

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

i only occasionally respond in among friends and i have never posted a new thread in among friends.

my forum of choice for random/informative/news/funny posts is community chat.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

[ Edited ]

Don't be fooled by the title "Among Friends", don't believe everyone there is "your friend"!!!Smiley Happy

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

@Hooty wrote:

Don't be fooled by the title "Among Friends", don't believe everyone there is "your friend"!!!Smiley Happy can say that again. Cat Wink  I hope all is well with you. 

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

Good to know, I'm new hereWoman Happy

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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

I prefer Community Chat because it seems to allow more discussion on current events with stonger opinions, which I find more interesting.


Among Friends seems to be more about prayers, support, and small talk. That's not my thing, so I avoid it.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. ~ Desmond Tutu
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Re: Community Chat or Among Friends?

@Moonchilde wrote:

Lots of long-term social groups in Among Friends, like meeting for breakfast, lunch & dinner to chat with besties. Prayer requests, religious discussions. Support groups.


It's been my experience over time that the posters who prefer, and mostly reside in Among Friends tend to be those who believe everyone should be kind and supportive to everyone else, always. If/when they venture into discussions in Community Chat, they are often surprised, shocked, hurt, offended, angered, etc. that people disagree, have strong opinions, and in general "aren't nice" to all other posters all the time. They generally wish that the entire forum with all its subdivisions was just like the supportive peacefulness of Among Friends.

You must have missed that Cheating neighbor thread. Forced friendliness throughout Among Friends and plenty of snark over there. At least Community Chat is more honest about opinions and doesn't try to be syrupy sweet.