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Posts: 10,804
Registered: ‎05-13-2010

There have been so many problems with the local chipotles here, they're closed, cleaned the stores, reopened only to close down again for problems again.


There is NO WAY I'd ever eat at a chipotle anywhere USA. SO many food problems, dirty stores, sick employees on and on and on.


The food is AWFUL too.

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Posts: 172
Registered: ‎02-12-2015

I will never forget when my son was around 15 we went to Chipolte and he got his usual, brought it home to eat it. took a bite, found a hair, he started digging around in his burrito and found many more hairs. I should have gone back but i didn't have time. i have only had Chipolte one time in my life, it is not for me but my son still loves it even after the hair fiasco!

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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

My son loves their food. I can't stand any Mexican food. I just don't like the ingredients in Mexican food, I never have


I really worry about him, eating at this place. I think they have been shut down their restaurants , 2 times over illness, after people ate their food and became ill.


My son tells me it is clean, so I don't know what the problems are?

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

My great grandmother always said that eating too fast was bad for your digestion.