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Charla is hosting a Sonia Bitton show tonite, Mar 18 at 11 ET. 

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I saw part of the jewelry show but I remember her voice as lower pitched.  To me she did not sound the same but it sure looked like her.  

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@naturalfan wrote:

I saw part of the jewelry show but I remember her voice as lower pitched.  To me she did not sound the same but it sure looked like her.  

I think she may have been a smoker in the past and maybe she has given it up now. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I always liked her.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Today I saw her for the first time.  Just a little bit, but was her!  The hair was very short.  But I'm glad she's back.