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Re: Charity Donation Reminder

A person should give from the heart all year,not because of tax donations.

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Re: Charity Donation Reminder

@goldensrbest   I agree 100% with what you said.   I never even consider the tax refund when I donate.   Charities are worried contributions will drop because of the new tax law.  That is very sad.    I will still give what I can.   

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Re: Charity Donation Reminder

@bonappetit wrote:

Reminders? Who needs a reminder when we get emails all the time about donations. Go into stores and they ask for donations. Walk down the street and people ask you for donations. We don't need reminders. This isn't 1950!


@bonappetit @MarieIG


Kinda harsh don't you think?


The OP mentioned it because of the tax deductible aspect.


No need to unload on her because you've apparently been swarmed with donation requests.


Just my observation.....

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Re: Charity Donation Reminder

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Also, if you can, remember your local charities. Your donation can mean so much to a food bank, women's shelter or animal shelter. Just a thought.



I kept donations 100% local this year.  Don't know why I didn't do it sooner -- there's a local organization for every cause on my list. Woman Happy

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Re: Charity Donation Reminder

 I made a few contributions earlier in the month and yesterday I sent one off to our favorite Shakespeare festival

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Re: Charity Donation Reminder

Thank you @KingstonsMom . I had hoped for a positive thread to encourage people to donate to, or mention, their favorite charities. I really did not expect any put downs (either to me or anyone else for end of the year donations). However, if any charity has benefited, to me, that is the most important thing.
Do the math.