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NO--I don't send out cards for anything anymore--I do send e-cards tho--

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no, i wont be sending out any cards. i prefer to do a christmas phone call, christmas visit, or skype for holiday greetings between thanksgiving and new years.


we get one yearly update newsletter/christmas greeting from my uncle and aunt who live in the UK.

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I am the only sibling that doesn't live in the same town as my sisters and remaining relatives.  I send cards to my siblings, adult nieces and nephews and remaining uncle in another state.  I do this since we have cut down or out our seasonal celebrations  and I just don't like social media greetings.  

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Re: Card sending poll....

[ Edited ]

I enjoy Christmas cards, but have never sent a slew of them and have pared it down over the years. I'll likely send out five or so cards to folks I want to have them and know will appreciate hearing from me. Have never done a Christmas 'letter' and have tended to roll my eyes when receiving them, especially those sent by people with whom I have had only a passing or business relationship, whose year in review is of little interest. 

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I send out 3; this year it will be 4. That's it for me, lol!


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No, stopped sending cards years ago.

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I send Christmas cards every year even though my list is getting smaller. I also send Thanksgiving, Birthday, Get Well Soon, Veterans Day, and just because cards. As long as cards are being made I will send them.

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Yes, I still send Christmas cards each year, I have family and friends on the west coast, my hubby comes from a large family and they all live on the east coast.

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I will send maybe 5 cards to old friends and a couple cousins. Not many relatives alive anymore.  

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Of course I will. I make my Christmas cards for immediate family and close friends. All others get store bought cards. Sending out cards is part of the Holiday festivities. Will send them out until I am no longer able.