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I'm so slow day, I think the prolonged heat wave has sucked the life out of me. I have a salon appt. and it is taking me forever to get moving. However, my hair looks so bad, it will propel me out the door. LOL. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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You’re not alone. I have days like that too.


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I understand perfectly.


Had my hair appointment on July 3, so that's out of the way.


However, I have lots of things to do and just cannot get myself to do them.


I'm normally very energetic, so I'm chalking it up to the hot weather Cat Happy

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Maybe we are all 'baked'?

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Cooled off here in Chicago with much lower dew points so I'm feeling more energetic.  Have a house guest coming on Tuesday so motivated to do some cleaning before the next heat wave.



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@deepwaterdotter wrote:

Maybe we are all 'baked'?

And steamed!  The humidity is so bad the air conditioner is having a hard time keeping up with it.

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Whew, I'm glad to know that I'm not alone.  I sit and think about all the stuff I need to get done and then I get too tired to do it. Smiley Happy

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I feel the same way, the heat makes me tired ..I am up at 5 a.m. everyday, so I get done all the things I need to do before it gets too hot....almost 100 here this weekend

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SW MI, I can open the windows today.  Fresh air. No humidity!!!! Great breeze.  This must be a "reward" day for putting up with the other days.  LOL  Woman Frustrated

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That was ME yesterday - didn't want to leave my A/C cave and go out in the 90 +.....sidewalks 100 degrees for a hair appointment.  Once you get there and get pretty you'll be so glad you made the trip!