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I ordered the Call Blocker thingy and it arrived yesterday. We’re still a landline family and we get 52 gazillion calls every day from “out of area”, “private caller”, etc. 


It took me about 30 seconds to set it up.  I was practically willing the phone to ring, LOL. Finally, an hour later, we got our first call. I got great pleasure in pushing the “block caller” button. 


We just got our second call a few minutes ago.  Most of our spam calls come in late afternoon. 


So far so good.  I know that a lot of these callers rotate phone numbers but if this cuts down even some of them, I’ll be happy. 





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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

I hope it works for you.  They really do use a different number every time they call, though.  I get them on my cell phone around the same time in the afternoon.  My cell starts like this:  (area code) 749- _ _ _ _.  I kept a log of the numbers they used for awhile, and they were like this:  749-3456, 749-7649, 749-4832, 749-2982, get the picture.  I get the same routine on my land line and my work phone.

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

I'm still waiting for mine.  If I hear 1 more time about a stupid resort I will upchuck....I buy my phone for my convenience not for salespeople

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

@cherry  I get that resort call at work (others there get it too......we all have separate phone numbers).  I love that the girl in the recording sounds like a live person, but as soon as she congratulates me on getting a "resort reward" I quickly hang up the phone.  Since I haven't been to any resorts for many years, it would be hard for me to get a reward for that.

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

@gidgetgh, I expect mine today, so I am happy to hear that yours works well.  Our calls start as early as legal, generally stop mid-afternoon, and then resume during the dinner hours.  I am looking forward to using this.

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

@gidgetgh ~ Thanks for letting us know how you like it.  I may still pick one up (if it's still available).  We got a call the other night at 10:30!  I couldn't believe it!  Word is our Microsoft Office has been blocked and it's VERY important we call them back.  Yeah, like that's going to happen.

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

I’m so glad to hear that your call blocker works well and is easy to set up.  I ordered one also but haven’t gotten it yet.


I will really be glad to not have to deal with those irritating calls.  



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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

I ordered it, it's supposed to arrive Thursday. I'm over the 250 limit on my Panasonic phone. A couple of weeks ago I deleted some blocked numbers to free up some space. Tried to do it again yesterday and I forgot how to do it.😦

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV


I ordered it, it's supposed to arrive Thursday. I'm over the 250 limit on my Panasonic phone. A couple of weeks ago I deleted some blocked numbers to free up some space. Tried to do it again yesterday and I forgot how to do it.😦


Don't feel like the Lone Ranger!  Every time I go to delete some older stuff, to make more room, I forget how and have to just keep going through settings until I find it again.  D'oh!  

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Re: Call blocker- recent TSV

@chickenbutt I went through settings multiple times to no avail. I'm pretty good with electronics too. I might have the manual somewhere, but I doubt it.

"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"