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Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

I was just thinking today that I don't know anybody besides me that shops at QVC. I find it strange because it has been around so long. So I'm curious do your friends shop QVC ?

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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

No. That's why I hang out here, lol, for my QVC chat fix.

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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

No. I don't even want to admit I do. 

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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

None of my friends shops at QVC. It is a little strange....many folks still have a strange, unfounded stigma about “home shopping networks.” I’ve always thought for myself. They’re a little out of touch with that attitude.

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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

No, they prefer online B&M sites or stores. It's just me, my mom, and her sister-in-law.
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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

Only one of my friends buys things from TV shopping channels. In fact we met on a shopping channel forum and never lost touch since then. Woman Happy

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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

No.  Some make fun if it.

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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?


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Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?


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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Do your friends shop at QV.C. ?

Well, sometimes but sometimes they come over to my house to shop QVC because I have so much QVC errrrr....stuff...I don't even use.


My best friend just texted me to ask if Mary Beth was wearing a wig.  Sometimes they tune in and text or call me and ask a question about QVC.


They know I have it on for background noise.


My youngest daughter loves Shawn.  She'll text me at night commenting on something Shawn has on or what she's saying.