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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

Van Houten would need housing, food, medical care, clothing.  Whether she receives all that in prison or outside of prison doesn't matter.  She was 19 at the time of her crime and at the age of 69 today-where and how would she support herself?


This is not an emotional issue; it is a fact that she would not be able to sufficiently support herself.


Does anybody have the stats on how much $$ Van Houten could earn as a private citizens without taxpayer assistance?


Or perhaps letting her be released to the streets to become another homeless stat would ease that taxpayer burden.  


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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

These people were slaughtered. The scales of justice would tip to the families and deceased.
These people have had to live with this loss their entire lives.
No, I don't care about the killer.
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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

I lived in SoCal during that time, too about 10 miles from where the murders took place.  I remember it being really hot & after the murders, even though we had no AC, slept with the windows & doors shut & locked, not knowing who had done it.  Everyone was in a panic.


The trial was a circus.  The whole lot of them got the death penalty, which was commuted to life when CA temporarily abolished the death penalty.

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten


I believe what you said makes a good point-if CA had not abolished the death penalty, all of these Manson family killers would be dead.  To even consider letting one of them out now for any reason is a slap in the face to the families who lost loved ones and also to the people who lived in the area at that time, fearing for their own lives.  I lived far away in IL and I remember the fear that swept the country.   I can't imagine how awful it was for those who lived in the area.  

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

I don't think she would be a threat at all.  However, the families of the victims are very against her parole.  Maybe that was taken into concideration


i was 21 years old.  Driving back from Los Angeles vacation, thats all we heard on our AM radio.  I was so shocked.  Numb. I will never, ever forget that day.  Things like this just never happened.  Back then we were horrified.  I thinik people are still horrified.  I get chills just thinking of those poor victims.  

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

I think we should remember they were loaded on drugs out of their minds and literally brainwashed.  LVH may not be a threat to society now , but the deed was done, and she needs to remain in prison.  All the families  want her there, so be it.  Sharon's sister has fought tirelessly to keep her there, and to keep her sister, the  baby and all of the  victims memory alive.  The lost so much.  Generations that will never be.  And that innocent baby.... 

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

I'm glad to hear she has been denied release.


The idea that anyone who commits murder deserves the same, consistent treatment is a fallacy.  There are so many factors that come into play - premeditation, the degree of depravity of the act and much more.  That's why there are guidelines for sentencing, instead of hard and fast rules.


In this case, the murders were absolutely heinous; unspeakable cruelty.  I can't even begin to  imagine the terror the victims felt or the horror the family members felt on hearing the news.


She received the sentence of death and it was only later commuted.  She should remain in prison for the rest of her worthless life.  Sadly, the victims didn't get their "sentence" commuted.

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

People sometimes love to be super vindictive and choose to not look at a situation (like this) rationally. She is clearly not a threat. So, instead we let the taxpayers of California house her for $40,000 per year. Keep in mind, many people  serve time in prison that is NOT for life. Murder is murder. There should at least be more consistency in sentencing. 



She carves multiple people up and you call those who want her to

remain in prison for life super vindictive? Unbelievable. And you have no way of knowing whether she is a threat or not. 

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@itsmetoo  And I was 7 months pregnant at the time, and that really affected the horror that I felt for Sharon Tate. Of course I felt horrible for all the victims but what happened to was unspeakable.


Wild animals don't do that.

Unspeakable is an understatement. I don't know how anyone in their right mind would think she or any of the Mason clan should be freed. Ever. 

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Re: California governor won't free Manson follower Van Houten

@NickNack wrote:

I hope the Appeals Court will uphold Gov. Newsom's decision.  I'm glad he won't let her out.

Me too.