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So when is it actually.  Is it everday, all day???  It used to be the Friday after Thanksgiving.  All I see are Black Friday sales.

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Every Friday since sometime last summer is called Black Friday.  It's silly,  

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This is our economy.  Spending to keep businesses afloat.

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I read this on some news site.... this year the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is just 3 weeks (vs 4 or 5).  So all retailers have less time to get in on the Christmas rush.  Hence they're really do an early push for sales this year.


However, I've been very UNDERWHELMED by QVC's Black Friday discounts... only $5 off?  $10 off?  Meh...


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Re: Black Friday

[ Edited ]

In yrs past, it used to be an event to go out to the stores on Balck Friday to shop . Went with a group of friends ... and I can say that I did survive the shopping frenzy .

Now a days , it's Black Friday all the time but you reallly have to look to find the savings  along with free shipping ! Good Luck to all  in shopping for values

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DH bought my Apple Mac air laptop back in Sept to avoid mark ups and even if they have a Black Friday come on for my gold color they will get in

2 and 1,000 people will be lined up at the door or camping out night before


We ain't doing that 'stuff'. Mine was 899. Last time I checked it was 999 and I'm not for sure if that included the 'gold' color. They will mark up what the market will bear. If you mess around till Dec you'll be paying more.